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[足球] Match Of The Day 2013.11.02 [HD英語]

【文件類型】:mkv0 l) }: z5 ?9 i
9 r% J9 p8 D; m  \* P7 Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb【文件大小】:1.28g公仔箱論壇  r2 p3 _$ Y% r/ g; F
( _0 \% ]& s5 \7 A3 e. t4 h* v【  語言  】:HD英語
$ y' s% z1 |- `
  j6 a0 ?' F5 f1 n2 Z: UTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Video : AVC, 25 fps, 720 x 400, 1870 Kbpstvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) ]' v: D8 f- L. O5 C4 Z
Audio Track: English (MPEG, 48 KHz, 128 kbps)tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* x. r3 J$ A) Q
Includes:Newcastle United v Chelsea
/ i1 }( r3 g5 N- R9 d# ~Fulham v Manchester United
' h" C1 S% K. C9 ?8 C4 fHull City v Sunderland
4 d  a5 r0 k* P. p" {* A& e公仔箱論壇Manchester City v Norwich City公仔箱論壇' k: ^" d+ s9 O1 V
Stoke City v Southamptonos.tvboxnow.com5 T8 J8 y  {9 `- `
West Bromwich Albion v Crystal Palace
; o7 u+ I8 b  t% b4 q# qWest Ham United v Aston VillaArsenal v Liverpool
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Thanks for sharing!!
thank you very much~~~
thanks fo sharing
Thanks for sharing!
thank you for your sharing and contributions
thanks so much
Good update !!! Thank you so much !!!
thanks for sharing
thanks for sharing ^V^
thanks for sharing