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118 對嗎?
$197 + 貨品售價
' e. r- n' L) x# d& F公仔箱論壇$200
$97 是嗎??
王老板損失了 176 元。
. B/ K* {8 l, v& W$ y# K% ~% XYour calculation should be wrong. As Mr. Wong need to refund $100 to his neighbour. The calculation should be :os.tvboxnow.com5 v/ p4 z8 e, Q. K6 `& |
$100 (refund to neighbour from Mr Wong's own money) + $79 (paid to the young man) - $3 (earning from the sale) = $176
" {5 w' ~; O4 }- Y" Z  jThis should be the fact.
100元, 整個交易過程只有因為出現假鈔而帶來損失.
本帖最後由 hase000 於 2015-11-24 05:06 PM 編輯
/ |6 c6 z8 c5 J# f6 [4 [2 a3 V. [tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbos.tvboxnow.com- n8 i3 ~+ ^- W5 ]3 L
Sorry, I think wrong. Actual loss should be $118 (refund to neighbour $100 + cost of gift $18) - $21 (sales income) = $97
the answer is wrong as the 100 did not include.
....... 197
) `6 C1 N7 n3 C$ Q# m& F* Ros.tvboxnow.com8 }9 R! ]) e; s" e' g1 x) n6 o
(交易前)os.tvboxnow.com& q" N& P1 z/ J, V* E
王老板 = 1件貨物 (唔理標價,所以成本$18) + $100真鈔 = $118
5 Y) P/ a+ ]- f( S9 [7 w7 \TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。年輕人 = $100假鈔 = $0公仔箱論壇$ ]6 i1 v$ C' K
街坊 = $100零錢 = $100tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 U, e8 X5 b( [3 Z: z. r; W
! r2 @' \3 c% x) @
% c. j) M2 O8 S1 ]" t
(交易後)(未發現假鈔前)tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 |/ i3 N8 n8 H& T( ?* O% I
王老板 = $100零錢 - $79找續 + $100真鈔 = $121
6 E8 `% Y4 H5 Z( j  b) }! ^公仔箱論壇年輕人 =os.tvboxnow.com+ D5 s; J8 v0 ~, L% w
1件貨物 + $79找續
5 v7 P: k# f1 [* @: `街坊 = $100假鈔 = $0
3 V% E5 k4 g" `os.tvboxnow.comos.tvboxnow.com; {8 R6 d7 `9 h

9 _8 C( p4 H! d! `% y3 l(交易後)(發現假鈔)os.tvboxnow.com) |2 b6 M0 t. m( _* s' E
王老板 = $121 - $100真鈔 = $21
" H& X* ^; `2 \6 c( l; t0 F, N% Aos.tvboxnow.com年輕人 =
4 j' w$ f# D$ a; D& U+ i公仔箱論壇1件貨物 + $79找續
) C" [* U+ S, S- \os.tvboxnow.com街坊 = $100真鈔 = $100os.tvboxnow.com0 e+ s5 t! G, b+ w0 D
; m* c0 V( t+ a' `) ~# e+ r

- j' A; a7 J+ O9 X9 J公仔箱論壇os.tvboxnow.com+ i8 d7 _+ S0 ?

  E+ h! _" C* j9 R! X. p) _換言之...
: [; a3 y  {( h' R! L/ l. ^  W4 ^os.tvboxnow.com交易前,王老板手上有價值$118的資產。5 u0 }6 G3 N2 e/ a
) N, x( x( W! t( B5 }( otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
5 v5 [% i  n3 ~2 C* A答案:王老板共損失($118-$21) = $97