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[其它] iphone 5 4G 快 ma?

iphone 5 4G 快 ma?
Iphone 5 4G is fast. But not sure your question.
U mean the speed of upload and download OR  just the phone itself
I tested mine today, it ran over 46Mbps d/l speed! Faster than home connection!
LTE is very fast in North America
What about in HK?? and which network provider is better?
iphone 5 is much faster with LTE and the power is also burnt out fast..
faster then iphone 4S
都是看你的服务商家吧。。 比如我这, 还不错。 3G就慢到不得了。。 一路来都是这样。。
get the Note 2, it's a lot better.
It depends on the local service provider.
Correct me if i'm mistaken, theoretically, it can achieve 100Mbps dl speed
唔睇用咩機先, 如果收到 4G LTE 網絡,真係好快,3G 冇得比, 但因為4G LTE 的覆蓋未及 3G ,所以都係要俾時間佢地發展一下, 多年0岩0岩有 3G 都係咁
IPHONE5 用 4G都好勁的,睇 D 電腦書做比較,都幾快
4G 很快,但太食電,所以我都關了。
60m in north california.. very fast