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level 111..
so many days din play.. up to 110 bcome bird that looks like airplane :onion03:
play again la....
it will be change when level 12o mah.....
add oil la.....
bit lazy wana play today..
so so stress meh??
so so stress meh??
not so stress la.. juz dun feel like playin bcoz of the laggy line..
ur line still not ok ar??
they not say wan to fix it meh??
ok d a.. at least today din dc.. but still lag ..
then they didnt came to fix yet??
not yet.. they said will come by 2molo.. but.. u know la.. they wont eat their words unless u keep on call them..
yaya,if u keep call,maybe they also wont come 1 la..........
c their service
that's malaysian style.. they provide lame & slow services.. + sumore with bad attitude.. i cant imagine how malaysia goin to archieve wawasan 2020..
原帖由 Darkn3t 於 2007-12-11 10:34 PM 發表
that's malaysian style.. they provide lame & slow services.. + sumore with bad attitude.. i cant imagine how malaysia goin to archieve wawasan 2020..
原帖由 bernardlhtan 於 2007-12-11 09:56 PM 發表
yaya,if u keep call,maybe they also wont come 1 la..........
c their service