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回復 #945 felixng2007 的帖子

no problem la.
我希望Sports Games有得串波
[quote]原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-11-7 07:20 PM 發表
we all need ur tips then darren!!!!! u are number one!!!!!!! from the bottom [/quote

felix...laugh me lah...

回復 #949 wlt1110 的帖子

no laugh you la, just asking for tips jar ma, i have not got as much money as you to lose ar ma
so i have to work harder

回復 #951 visitor 的帖子

den.....me too la lost all la.!!!!!!!!
搞到我只贏3場, 死人里昂

回復 #953 visitor 的帖子

how many did u bet?

回復 #954 felixng2007 的帖子

我都唔記得, 但係唔多

回復 #955 visitor 的帖子

i think i lose two all other win cos buy football tonight win win at laset 2-0 only arsenal eat fooball
finally win 1 games,but lose 4 games
haha.....still got win....
hey you guys how about tonight game..?
anyone got any idea???
原帖由 ljw1982 於 2007-11-8 05:37 PM 發表
haha.....still got win....
hey you guys how about tonight game..?
anyone got any idea???
杰少 i want tips as well!!!!!!!!!