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download唔到劇集— (Torrent檔案解碼錯誤)

唔該有無大哥可以教我,我之前都可以down到的,但我部電腦比人整完,佢唔知同我係bt到set左甚麼制,現在一click套劇集就單出 "Torrent檔案解碼錯誤,請重新下載torrent檔案!" 請問否教我點做!唔該哂!
i have same problem for my BT too... TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- o( `0 U* n& s# ?% H4 ^- K% h
i download the new verison of Bit Comet 公仔箱論壇3 b+ A9 z. [" f/ N7 O
and everytime i download something i want to watch
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我都係丫, 但係我只係係tvbnow download唔到野, 其他forum 我又可以用bt download 野ga bor,
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我都試過其他forum係可以,真係好心急呀!! os.tvboxnow.com% ]& p6 R3 X2 h$ n
; X# Z+ p( h8 P8 O, S* {2 t1 Y/ j公仔箱論壇:onion03: :onion03: :onion03:
open download please
多謝高人指路,原來使用SAFAFI,一定得o家!有人話會慢d,但我部機又冇問題,總好過download唔到,快d試o下啦!公仔箱論壇' P0 N6 K+ c& @
- q+ f2 v% o* t& I$ r9 H9 h, o:014:  :014:  :014: