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肯定是妙手好呀 演员阵容强大 导演也给力 剧情吸引 非常期待TVB重播一下以前经典的剧集 高清版的 好收藏
可惜沒能超越妙手仁心。$ X  m! w. r# k4 g+ E
感覺上選角還是有問題,雖然角色年輕化,但是演技似乎還無法提升劇本質感。: w+ Z- P; D& H
% V4 h2 L8 l% ~, qos.tvboxnow.com; T. F% q2 V: j9 Y
個人認為劇本最大敗筆就是一直追著這『兩姊妹』,讓人感覺劇本無法向其他國外醫務劇看齊,但又一直想要強調新增人物的關係,變相編織了一張巨大的網,觀眾的觀賞距離卻只能一小塊。1 D8 x, h0 D* J& P  E0 R
4 y. B& G0 r0 m
增強了親情與朋友、暗戀與失戀、遺憾與不再遺憾、著緊與放不下,被一堆情緒纏住,其實讓觀眾看得挺不知所措。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" n# V" A6 S, |3 g/ M( }) y: @
公仔箱論壇& G! w, i' z4 b' P" u
例如醫護人員之間的衝突,基本上都變成很淺薄的罵,或許偏向寫實,但也讓人感觸不深,難以代入與理解。os.tvboxnow.com3 [. Z7 Q2 N1 v- T% }/ ]# w

' }. e7 Y! u( Q3 S4 o8 {% T& `% r# Wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb個人覺得,這個劇缺點多於優點。
可能我要求高咗.... 唔知點解e+有時睇番TVB啲舊劇覺得都係唔係咁掂...
it would have been better if they did a healing hands and on call crossover
我覺得On Call 36小時第一集好過續集
I don't think we should compare the two. One's definitely had longer runs than the other... But still this second installment isn't as good as the previous one. On call 36 I, I think, has a much better storyline than II. On call 36 II is pretty mediocre; I think the best part is the storyline between 香香and 羅仲謙, especially towards the end.