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[旅遊景點] 美國拱門國家公園(猶他州)

旅遊參觀拱門國家公園(猶他州),你會發現一個對比鮮明的顏色、; N8 ~' F, q& G" D; z4 T
地貌和紋理與世界上任何其他不同的風景。公園內有超過 2,000 的天然石拱門,數百人的飆升石峰、公仔箱論壇( C/ E+ {5 Z6 t1 {6 l
1 x  Y$ V1 z3 |1 oTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
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I have been to Arches National Park twice, I want to share as well. There are some famous points such as you have posted the Balanced rock, and Landscape Arch,Delicate Arch,Double arch(North and South windows) etc.. Arches is a place where nature and human beings come into contact in the most companionable way possible. It's a small, accessible piece of desert heaven, just five miles away from Moab.
比心機 努力 加油 唔怕慢,最怕站!