: T5 r, H) o! @. W! e9 f公仔箱論壇不過,現階段橫梗在本土力量發展道路上的主要障礙,卻來自本土力量本身。據筆者年來的親身近距離觀察,「本土」大致分為左翼和右派,後者內部又再分派;然而,派別之間,分別很小、成見很深。箇中原因,固然有意識形態的分野和地盤主義的爭執,在初生階段可謂必然;但是,由於風格不同和私人積怨,前述的必然矛 盾因素給放大了延長了。例子之一是,本土左翼的「快樂抗爭」遇上本土右派的「苦行抗爭」,格調的不同,便成為對方特別是本土右派的攻擊目標;此殊為不必(筆者的性格傾向,是既「快樂」又「苦行」,是熟朋友都知道的;難道僅此便可成為兩派都要批判的對象了麼?)。 2 e9 D* S! h& O! z# A& l- L& U公仔箱論壇4 q) Q+ t( A6 _; _7 v
因此,周前開始在網上新媒體轉載署名「正鳴」的深度反思本土運動的長文〈本土派的崛起、反省、出路,與港人的歸屬、抗爭、民主路〉一文,便來得十分合時。這篇文章顯然是本土右派手筆,然其最重要的一點,就是提出修正一直以來本土右派陷入了的「攘外必先安內」、打擊民主派內部其他派別的優先高於打擊共同敵人 的策略思維。文章的第五節「方向轉變的檢討:『安內』對本土派的影響」,對此有詳細的論述(不過,作者依然不放過「政棍、社運痞子」,指的大概是泛民政黨的一些領導,說不定也暗含、旁及像筆者這款的「半個大中華真心膠」;因此,被指者要認真閱讀本文,可得有點氣度)。【註3】tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. [# O9 d: l- D' p, K, c3 t' s
作者說:「然而本土派奮起『安內』的方向,卻無助自身力量成長。打擊社運舊派勢力,使盲目跟隨政治代理人的港人,頓然失去了可寄生的依賴;本土派的籌算,似乎希望他們驚醒過後,加入本土派,藉此壯大己方勢力,現實情況可是大多數依附者未有進一步轉投本土派陣營。本土派的迅速崛起和百家爭鳴,冒升於佔 領後緊接的光復行動和退聯公投,但社運日久,總不免熱情消退、民氣稍息。及後,本土派長期埋首與舊派爭功諉過,既使人厭倦社運界的爭拗,又錯失了向這群剛甦醒的市民甚至港豬宣揚本土意識的時機。」這幾句話非常客觀,十分難得。* o0 ^* T1 G/ p
# }1 I! y0 j6 u4 m b
跟着又說:「本土派極力攻擊『左膠』……,無形中把爭取民主的全體群眾力量,分割成兩大陣營,甚或多個意識取態——『左膠』與『非左膠』,非左膠亦 包括『本土派』、『和理非』、『港豬』……。被標籤的無知參與者,自然心覺冤枉、不高興,由是心灰意冷不理政治……」;「雙方彼此攻擊,演化為意氣之爭, 各自搶着某些政治議題據為己有,雙方除了關注政改,舊派只談本地農業、菜園村、劏房、出版自由、言論自由和建設民主中國等等,新派則只談自由行、新移民瓜分福利、走私水貨、雙非學童、非法入境、黑警誤捕濫捕和實現嶄新政治主體的香港民主等等。……這種各自為政、坐視不理、互不看好的派系爭取,實在有損爭取各自議題的力量,對大局發展總是不利。」TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 T1 [% _5 W: f2 p0 r' V4 \/ E
7 o0 l7 f" w- Y3 ^* I這幾句,會不會令一些具相當排他傾向的本土右派人士吃不消,筆者不知道,但相信是說到包括筆者在內的很多人的心底裏了。「五區公投」之後的民主派分裂、對撼,筆者認為一定程度上有正面意義,但各方的打法都過了火位,後來更演變成完全沒有證據地互罵對方「拿共產黨的錢」而樂此不疲,就十足無聊。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* F. b4 W$ d0 J
os.tvboxnow.com) Z, P! C& }; Z* [# k; ^% D
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( V& R1 C* ]2 W$ D9 O% }# ~5 v 民主派「安內」搞過了頭TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; A8 Z& o* z: E
公仔箱論壇 X' ^8 K4 ?0 n$ M% p }$ h
此長篇文章,峰迴路轉可觀處甚多,很值得社運界裏不同派別作出善意回應,並寫出對自己派別作的深度檢討、對社運形勢的仔細看法。然而,萬餘字的長文本身有一些不足,自不為奇;其中最令筆者不安的,是對「他者」(敵、友及其他非我者)的「六分法」。分多少塊沒關係,但這部分處理得比較粗糙,例如一些概念不清 晰,或令一般讀者包括筆者摸不着頭腦,如「學聯老鬼」指哪種人呢?萬年執委裏的馬逢國還是佔運裏打衝鋒的周永康?「死『左膠』」、「死港豬」、「死和理非」等標籤裏的「死」字指什麼?和不含「死」字的有什麼分別? / C* A$ V- {0 t8 k$ J# y dTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。os.tvboxnow.com; b5 I1 }& w) S. j
自梁特上台之後,特府內外的反民主能量有所增加,投入的資源更是源源不絕,兼且收編了不少主流媒體,宣傳能力提高了,儘管也因此鼓動了、增加了反對這個政權的人士特別是年輕人。但是,正能量的增加受到嚴重障礙;問題在於此期間民主派內部的「安內」搞過了頭。時不我予,但如果第一步本土左翼、本土右派 和各反專制學生組織能夠做出某種相互承認,在抗爭策略上能夠做出必要的協調,第二步本土派能與換代年輕化之後的各泛民政黨之間的矛盾降溫,則三方總能量便能及時倍增(民主力量如何調校與本地商界的關係以借力打力,是同樣重要的一個課題;但不是本文的討論範圍)。 7 k# B# \# ?/ b3 o$ T g, e8 Q% u4 ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% n6 w" q, _) E% @( Z9 W) z
分有時,合有時。今後好幾年港人政治上最需要的,是年輕一代反赤化爭民主抗爭者之間的合。2 u9 B2 H2 g" y. b4 Q
+ |% v# f' p) Y6 ~ ]2 Z5 L【註1】不少論者已經提出的疑點包括:「全國獨立黨」的名稱不可能是激進派起的,又「全國」、又「獨立」,矛盾得可笑。幾個月前就成立fb張揚使用殺傷性 暴力,更可謂智障。警方搜獲的宣傳物品上的一些文字的用詞,如「蛇齋糭餅」、「雨傘本土」、「回歸」、「振英」等字句,均非任何已知的激進派會用的;更有趣的是,林忌先生用谷歌搜索,發現「幫港出聲」的周融,正是喜歡把流行講法「蛇齋餅糭」說成「蛇齋糭餅」的。os.tvboxnow.com p2 F, [3 {" Z- Q/ y# S, P5 n8 z
【註2】陳健民教授文章〈向泛民「溫和派」說幾句話〉在https://thestandnews.com/politics/和泛民-溫和派-說幾句話/公仔箱論壇0 C' M% {. o, O2 h- P
【註3】正鳴君的文章見 http://www.passiontimes.hk/article/06-05-2015/234480 [5 u# I5 B/ S5 Y) G- e
公仔箱論壇2 \9 c8 W$ r* \ ^& ~! x
特約評論員作者: felicity2010 時間: 2015-6-18 12:03 PM
本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2015-6-18 12:07 PM 編輯 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. Y' Z& G7 I* G) o' Q( N
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 [* i; r! `+ g TIME: Is There Really a Shadowy Separatist Group Planning to Set Off Bombs in Hong Kong?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 L6 I4 s" m' z( ~1 l$ z
, s; {' J" ?) v: Q 9 q5 z. P A: h3 Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvbPro-democracy figures suspect the arrest of10 people on suspicion of plotting attacks is a smear campaign公仔箱論壇& q, j4 c4 s5 g R0 w4 b
; f* d( E' ?6 p/ ? ! ^2 F, M+ y4 v" V9 i& h" C0 MOne of the student leaders at the heart of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement has dismissed as “propaganda” the arrest of10 people on suspicion of plotting a bomb attack before the territory’s legislature prepares to vote on a crucial political-reform bill.9 a/ b$ s1 i; `0 A" F
& U: C% p k6 q. e& g8 w% k" q8 AJoshua Wong, who played a leading role in last fall’s Umbrella Revolution, tells TIME that police claims to have uncovered a separatist cell intent on setting off explosives are “one of the plans or the agenda by the pro-government side — it’s propaganda to attack the… democrats.”3 a, D0 Q% z- w1 D. k+ w3 B
+ o* O3 S2 h9 f; D6 vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThe arrests were made after police found what they described as powerful explosives at disused TV studio lots on the outskirts of the city, which they suggest were intended for detonation in the city’s Admiralty district. Admiralty is the seat of government, home to the legislature, the headquarters of the People’s Liberation Army and the office of the city’s highest-ranking official, known as the chief executive./ n" H3 M& |5 J) n) E D/ |: k7 C
1 x; `% o! F1 [+ D1 d9 _' ]
A police media spokesman refused to divulge the political affiliations of those arrested, but a local newspaper, the South China Morning Post, citing an anonymous police source, claimed that at least one of the detained individuals had “affiliations” to a separatist, so-called National Independent Party.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% z* j! A; ^' D/ B* u
# ]$ b, [+ v2 j1 a1 v- W
Another local newspaper claimed that the party had posted on a now deleted Facebook page its determination to stop the passage of the political reform bill “at any cost.” 4 q. b9 ~- }) b2 `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb 4 i6 o3 a% A& L# }tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbSeparatist — or, to use the Hong Kong term, localist — politics are beginning to take root in the city as Hong Kongers feel a growing cultural, linguistic and political gap with mainland China.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* M7 [0 J8 i) V1 W u. _
$ Q) c. Q7 M& N' f) S6 c5 M; eHowever, the fact that the organization was hitherto unknown has aroused suspicions. “It doesn’t seem like a lot of these[separatist] organizations are very familiar with them, and some even feel that this organization seems to have a very suspicious background,” Professor Eliza Lee, head of the Politics and Public Administration Department at Hong Kong University, told TIME.- O2 a' l' p+ X' X' O1 ]
* _. p% N0 [& UJon Ho of separatist group Hong Kong Localism Power, told a local radio station Tuesday that the legitimacy of the “National Independent Party” was questionable, the Post reported. ! v; Z$ ]0 M8 |9 r, Oos.tvboxnow.com 6 |# U: A9 b0 Y; E6 @tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbSome Hong Kongers on social media pointed out linguistic inconsistencies between the language of propaganda material police claim to have seized from the “National Independent Party” and words that would have actually been used by bona fide separatist groups, while others pointedly asked why a separatist group would have the word National in its name. 7 g) Z) O j# V' }8 Y; H公仔箱論壇 " x) D; O% M6 \* C0 o" a1 N' {' ]tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbOther separatist figures stressed their commitment to nonviolence. Ray Wong, leader of separatist group Hong Kong Indigenous, told the Post that the arrests were a smear campaign, while Danny Chan, head of the separatist Hong Kong Blue Righteous Revolt, said he did not support violence.' i1 w0 V; P' T* H- q
& q: A$ A. }# h6 t公仔箱論壇“It would be unfair to say that the localists have a stronger tendency to be violent, and in fact if you look at the[pro-democracy] movement as a whole it was rather peaceful,” Lee says.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ R# m; H# ]" L5 y! U- L
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。8 ?* ~) @7 j. M' M' T# v
Steve Vickers, the former head of the Hong Kong Police Criminal Intelligence Bureau and now a security analyst, says, “The timing of the arrests is obviously of special interest, especially in this politically charged time, before the forthcoming [legislative] vote.”+ b: J6 b" Y# M7 w$ u
- b6 q3 M5 A' H1 n% Zos.tvboxnow.comHe also tells TIME via email that “in the absence of a chemical analysis of the seized [bomb making] items it is difficult to be specific” on the nature of the threat they posed.