不希望三年來承受的一切,要由其他無辜的人來承擔,若這表示到道歉的意思之餘,我們是否應因為一個字眼再作堅持,而去作制裁呢?當制裁行動開始時,會影響許多人,我們一直爭取公義的同時,其實會否又製造另一個不公義呢?所以衡量過各方面因素後,若再在這問題糾纏下去,會對幾個方面帶來負面影響,所以我們最終接受這個安排。 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# |% z C- I1 l受害者及家屬在記者會上,展示Purisima及埃斯特拉達給予的信件。謝志堅又說,3年多來收到不少港人鼓勵,現在總算取回公道,希望傷者及其他人可以好好地活下去。另一受害者易小玲亦表示接受菲方安排,「事件拖太久,不想再糾纏下去」。
「菲律賓政府向受害者及家屬致以最悲痛的歉意和至誠的慰問,並對他們蒙受的痛苦表達最誠摯的哀悼。菲律賓國家警察總長已就此致函所有受害者或其家屬。相反,台灣漁民洪石成在去年5月被菲律賓公務人員射殺,菲律賓政府面對台灣政府強硬施壓,最後派特使赴台表達「深切遺憾及道歉」(deep regret and apology),用字明顯不同。
9 ?0 T0 w; J% b! p2 v
The Philippine Government expresses its most sorrowful regret and profound sympathy, and extends its most sincere condolences for the pain and suffering of the victims and their families. The Police Director General of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines has written to all victims or their families.
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( r& I6 ~- R/ E6 m' d
In the spirit of solidarity and in acknowledgement of the loss of the victims and their families, an additional token of solidarity will be given to the victims or their families as a most sincere gesture of compassion of the people of the Philippines. 」
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香港特別行政區行政長官梁振英與菲律賓總統阿基諾三世同意就二零一零年八月二十三日發生的馬尼拉人質事件尋求雙方滿意的解決方案。香港特別行政區政府(香港特區政府)及菲律賓政府同意以下述方式,解決和處理受害者及家屬就道歉、賠償、懲處負責官員和其他人士及採取措施保障旅客安全的四項要求。公仔箱論壇& _; l* E3 B8 e3 Y& P$ P2 n! m
7 f1 t4 ?" b2 Y! a, m L* f
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tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 _% ?2 _, _# f; j* T
菲律賓政府已向香港特區政府保證,正採取措施追究須負責的人員,並盡早完成餘下的程序。已採取的行政和刑事程序詳見附件一。菲律賓政府承諾會向香港特區政府交代尚餘程序的進度。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" u$ o! z9 v" ^% Y
菲律賓政府已向香港特區政府保證會致力避免同類事件再次發生。菲律賓政府已實施一系列措施,保障訪菲旅客的福祉及安全,詳情見附件二。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 D f* L; g4 _: P) T7 C
完公仔箱論壇1 [2 y* g! [; X6 m) F1 D
公仔箱論壇( [" {- R0 V# S/ g
2014年4月23日(星期三) $ f' E2 e: }( f5 c
香港時間15時45分os.tvboxnow.com" M4 r s) F% v
Following is a joint statement issued today (April 23) between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines concerning the Quirino Grandstand Incident:os.tvboxnow.com8 c( D, I6 k9 h) ~0 @
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& |, b' g! j; H% X" P6 \ L* [
Pursuant to the agreement of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), C Y Leung, and Philippine President Benigno S Aquino III to work towards a mutually satisfactory conclusion to the Quirino Grandstand Incident which took place on 23 August 2010, the HKSAR Government and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines have agreed that the four demands made by the victims and their families on apology, compensation, sanctions against responsible officials and individuals, and tourist safety measures will be resolved and settled as follows.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。# r, Z& Z. c: L" A- A! T
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' A' ~( z8 D# p* q+ b; j
The Philippine Government expresses its most sorrowful regret and profound sympathy, and extends its most sincere condolences for the pain and suffering of the victims and their families. The Police Director General of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines has written to all victims or their families.
In the spirit of solidarity and in acknowledgement of the loss of the victims and their families, an additional token of solidarity will be given to the victims or their families as a most sincere gesture of compassion of the people of the Philippines. 公仔箱論壇 C& {6 R# Z$ T+ e1 I& F( L
The Philippine Government has assured the HKSAR Government that measures are being undertaken to hold to account those responsible and to see the outstanding proceedings conclude as soon as possible. Details on the administrative and criminal proceedings pursued are set out in Annex A. The Philippine Government undertakes to keep the HKSAR Government informed of progress made in resolving the outstanding proceedings.os.tvboxnow.com5 U& Q4 ?' N$ ?# }# [; U6 q2 P
公仔箱論壇" @2 W6 T: N' `
The Philippine Government has assured the HKSAR Government that it is committed to ensuring that such an incident will not occur again. Details on the measures implemented to guarantee the welfare and safety of those visiting the Philippines are set out in Annex B.
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 K( S. _6 i* @6 v
Ends/Wednesday, April 23, 2014 6 E2 G) ~) W9 X$ f
Issued at HKT 15:45
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