這篇不倫不類的短文嘗試從歷史找到所謂『事實』去否定民主, 常在民主前加上『西方』企圖去界定這是外來物,和中國以致香港冇關係! 法律面前人人平等和權利受憲法保護是普世價值, 即是話是廿十一世紀每個人都應享有, 無分國界。冇人講現今民主制度是完美, 所有人的制度都有缺陷, 視乎多少! Walt Whitman講得比我好: ; |5 ]6 x! b' g: D! D# \os.tvboxnow.com / }( k4 O8 ^' \* A5 M6 s& l( j6 z! K/ `
" Did you, too, O friend, suppose democracy was only for elections, for politics, and for a party name? I say democracy is only of use there that it may pass on and come to its flower and fruits in manners, in the highest forms of interrelation between men, and their beliefs.... democracy in all public and private life ... It is not yet fully received,the fervid, the absolute faith. I submit therefore that the fruition of democracy, on aught like a grand scale, resides altogether in the future."tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' x+ V# f/ A J$ o$ @. x' y2 n+ n8 @