% m0 h5 r: }3 k1 }& D2 _os.tvboxnow.com郝鐵川過去的文章稱,香港非實行美式的三權分立政治體制,馬道立卻在其致辭中表明「《基本法》清楚訂明立法、行政、司法機關三權分立的原則,並以頗為明確的字眼界定三者的不同角色。就司法機構而言,其憲制角色所涉的範圍是司法權力的行使,即依據法律審理訴諸法院的糾紛。」 2 R3 Z Z9 o* @8 Ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvb / J$ v# ]: S) A b; Q+ s' {& G馬道立提到,「於我而言,司法機構的憲制權限清晰明顯︰法院和法官只處理訴諸法院的糾紛所引致的法律問題,並只就這些法律問題作出裁決。即使訴訟各方之間的糾紛或會產生政治、經濟或社會上的影響,例如那些關乎政府政策的案件,法院仍貫徹始終,只會考慮訴訟各方爭議的法律問題。正如我之前多次談及,法院的角色並不包括就法律問題以外的任何其他範疇作出決定。」1 r8 _( M( Y5 b
0 Z, r7 m% v, H如果特區政府提出的政制方案不合理地限制市民的提名權及/或投票權及/或參選權,相信司法覆核是無用避免的事情(只差在會否引發全國人大常委會第5度釋法)。而既然馬道立有言在先,還望屆時法院都能夠履行其憲制角色、職能、權限和責任,秉行公義,讓公眾向法院尋求公道,並且即使產生政治影響,仍要貫徹始終地只考慮法律問題,按照三權分立的原則,去就法律問題作出裁決。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb ?2 K* _' x) e5 {
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註1:原文為「However, a true respect for the rule of law means that not only the Government, but the community as a whole and every member of the community, should also respect the rule of law and exercise their rights within the boundary permitted by the law.Deliberate attempts to act in breach of the law, even for causes which may sound noble, should not be encouraged.」0 ^ R, r( Y; n0 t
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9 \. _$ }, i- t: D1 i公仔箱論壇註2:「 I would also add that at the end of the day, the flourishing of the Rule of Law depends on the moral fabric of a society and the civic qualities of its citizens. Some may call it the “collective conscience". In their absence, it would be rather pointless for a society to have the best drafted laws, best equipped police and the most high tech courts. 」9 @& n% J; b: G
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註3:「It is self-evident that the rule of law carries with it the responsibility not just to be faithful to the law and to respect its integrity, but must also involve the ability to dispense justice in reality and to ensure effective access to justice.」 5 N' `# }* W6 S5 m% l公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇% L8 t- a1 R) Z# h% k+ H% u4 _
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