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作者: felicity2010    時間: 2012-8-19 11:30 AM     標題: 黃宇軒:Pussy Riot 高唱——藝術與政治是同一回事

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2012-8-19 11:31 AM 編輯
4 W7 U+ N' Y* j3 e- U3
' i! Z. ]1 p2 G# O公仔箱論壇黃宇軒:Pussy Riot 高唱——藝術與政治是同一回事
! M9 ]2 z4 C2 m! {公仔箱論壇
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TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。) t" `' R1 R* F8 \* z
是什麼讓Madonna在巡迴演唱中接受訪問時說﹕「我認為藝術應該是政治的」?由年輕俄羅斯女子組成的女性主義Punk Rock團體Pussy Riot被帶到法庭受審判刑,將眾多國際暢銷榜上的流行明星變成非常主動談論政治的藝術家,讓人再次想起艾未未年前被拘所帶來的百般迴響。這些迴響在文藝高度商品化的今天,又再重新提醒了人們在世上一些角落(尤其是一些泱泱大國),從當代藝術到搖滾,仍然能刺痛當權者的神經,尖銳地挑戰既有建制的正當性。三十年前PunkRock的「鼻祖」Sex Pistols,因為在音樂上攻擊英國王室與嘲諷衛道者而登上世界新聞,誰想到三十年後竟要由人權組織高呼一句﹕Punk Rock is not a crime!. k/ s2 [! v/ r) _3 j

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公仔箱論壇, v9 y1 w  v6 r9 h) ^
Pussy Riot的出現與近年俄羅斯的政治局勢不可分割,去年年底起數波青年人反普京的浪潮,零下20℃惡劣天氣下的大集會,用沈旭暉教授的說法,讓「原來毫無懸念的俄羅斯也爆發群眾運動」,千禧年後普京強權統治的局面終於出現些微裂縫。去年9月普京再度宣布參選總統,在加長的總統任期下,他可能統治俄羅斯長達四分之一世紀。至冬天大規模示威出現,數十個平均年齡只二十五歲的示威常客,有感整個國家制度已潰爛,既有的反抗方式無力改變社會論述,決定要從形式入手,改變國家就要改變反叛的文化,要比往常多走一步,推動司法、文化、政治與教育變革。
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) i! E/ b& D7 e% g7 Los.tvboxnow.com於是,我們見到一群用繽紛彩色頭套蒙面的搖滾客,在莫斯科的重要場所上演策略良久的表演。用香港報紙的措辭,他們「唱衰普京」,呼喚反抗的激情。頭套蒙面,立時讓人想起墨西哥查巴達游擊隊的「副司令馬科斯」,除了要保密身分,無法看見的面孔象徵的是他們可以是任何人。只是Pussy Riot的頭套還襯色配上了青年女裝流行的Stockings與鮮豔的迷你裙,利用鮮明的女性反抗者形象與聲音在媒體影像流通。今年1月她們在紅場上來了一次快閃表演,八人背向克里姆林宮高唱節奏急促的反極權Punk歌,已惹來警察與國家的高度監控。
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可以想像,直到今年3月普京以六成六選票再當總統為止,PussyRiot10個樂隊中人與背後數十個成員,已因不斷被拘捕與同時再策劃表演而非常忙亂。她們三名成員在日前被判流氓罪及囚禁兩年,就源於在普京當選前一系列示威中,在莫斯科最大的救世主大教堂的另一場「游擊」﹕她們的「龐克禱告」(Punk Prayer)。那次成了她們最後一次快閃演出,因為在此之後三名成員一直被拘留並不願保釋,而普京上任後的政府亦將矛頭指向她們。
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/ d( i* ^% Y" I" ]公仔箱論壇荒謬審訊變成普京對自己的審訊tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  T( F$ @. H; T

3 c3 c/ n) L. Z% Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvbPussy Riot在教堂中來了一場非常突然的「佔領運動」,在祭壇上表演了一曲攻擊俄羅斯東正教教會與與普京政權的親密關係,再一次「唱衰普京」。用Punk的標準衡量,這次充滿氣勢與顛覆性的演出非常精彩(片段可以在網絡上看到),卻讓這班高學歷、中產與年輕的匿名女子被教會指控為魔鬼,亦引來普京政府的高壓維穩機器。因為創意衣飾、在公共空間舞動與用言語「不檢點」的搖滾樂曲批判國家,即因表達而被拘補,對香港人而言該愈來愈熟悉。及後那些在獄中受不合理對待,明顯的政治檢控等大概也可以預期,三個已為人母的女子被拘待審訊期間,莫斯科在鎮壓言論的空氣中,漸漸積聚起Pussy Riot vs. Putin的微塵,輿論靠向發聲的權利。公仔箱論壇( f! {. D/ K4 t7 e

; Q' |- t8 H' T5 f1 BTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。意外地,當PussyRiot無法表演之際,卻成了她們最成功的時刻,在囚的成員面對的恐嚇,暴露了再上任的普京政府對反對聲音的焦慮。尤其當「強人」面對的是看來平凡不過的幾個女性公民的藝術行動,一次檢控及審訊隨時可變成前者從政以來最大的危機﹕誰能預料那些歌聲已點起了多少壓抑的反抗火種?擁權者的反應與Pussy Riot「無傷大雅」而俏皮的行動反差太大,畢竟,她們不過是在表演、在用藝術及搖滾述說她們所相信的,而Pussy Riot那強調女性的名字與形式,又剛好針對着總是強調陽剛性的普京。Pussy Riot作為近年反普京浪潮開始後第一批與最重要的政治犯,在7月底那蘇聯式荒謬審訊開始後,正如一些評論形容,將這場審訊倒轉成對普京自己的審訊。她們堅持無罪,讓PussyRiot希望宣傳的信息變得異常有力﹕普京害怕了。其中一個成員在庭上說﹕「這是對整個體制的審訊,一個對個體殘害的體制……壓制我們的這個政治體制,是害怕真理(truth)的」。就此而言,日前那三個成員被判刑,也許不過是另一浪反對運動的開始。: I9 I! O# N; Q; h6 D/ e( a+ E8 T

- D4 X: |7 a# D2 K4 F& y《衛報》的評論員SuzanneMoore說,Pussy Riot提醒我們革命永遠由文化開始,觀念是難以抵擋的。許多年前讀張鐵志的《聲音與憤怒》,總是記得其副題「搖滾樂能夠改變世界嗎?」就如從前捷克的PlasticPeople of the Universe,搖滾樂能改變世界——當它走出搖滾樂的範圍,從將(表演)藝術變成抗議,到將抗議轉化成藝術形式本身。記者也會問PussyRiot她們幹的是藝術或是政治,她們就回答﹕對我們而言兩者是同一回事。她們也說所有的演唱將成為純粹的異見,告訴人們戴頭套穿緊身褲的漫畫英雄在莫斯科的公共空間出現。不知為何,Pussy Riot的藝術文化能量,總是讓人想起近日上映的一齣香港電影。Pussy Riot打正旗號用上女性生殖器的俏皮名字,相對於那電影中出現無數次的女性生殖器,讓人發現,所謂「低俗」本來可以是一種武器來,文化既能是所謂喜劇也可以是英雄片。
7 W1 G  T6 j+ m" {TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
( Z, m7 t( K& x- J, m8 a: Bos.tvboxnow.comTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 G# D* P& b' |8 k

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作者: felicity2010    時間: 2012-8-19 11:33 AM

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2012-8-19 11:59 AM 編輯 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ m$ p9 d: T4 E2 t  ~( F

5 o; O. J# W; C7 e; b4 `5 CGuardian Editorial: Pussy Riot: Putin v punk
) B$ W7 X, m" Y; P# t3 W; G4 qTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
* s/ x$ X; ]5 U$ ^& GYou are the president of a large country with a growing economy, intent on keeping your name up there in the lights. You pride yourself on your popularity, your sense of history, and the fact that you personify the destiny of your country (or so you keep telling yourself). A criminal court sentences three young women, two of them mothers, to two years in prison for staging a 40-second punk feminist stunt inside your country's official church and the world's social network sites go mad. Two years of gulag for Vladimir Putin's enemies, they scream. Demonstrations erupt on the streets outside your embassies. Ageing celebs queue patiently to condemn you. There is even someone offering knitting patterns for Pussy Riot's balaclavas. The punk feminist band becomes a global brand before it even releases its first album and you a pariah so sullen that not even botox conceals your scowls. Mr Putin did not so much shoot himself in the foot on Friday, as fire a Kalashnikov into his size 8s.; f: j* g  m# b2 I% F

$ j1 v7 l# j6 e+ c( DTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Pussy Riot must have offended many Russian Orthodox believers by screaming lyrics such as "Shit, shit, the Lord's shit" behind the iconotasis of the Church of Christ the Saviour. An opinion poll released by the independent Levada research group found that only 6% of Russians polled sympathised with the women and 51% felt either indifference, irritation or hostility. Similar umbrage would have been taken inside St Paul's or the Vatican.And those who doubt that may well wonder what tension would have been caused by a flash-mob invading a mosque at Friday prayers.公仔箱論壇+ ~8 D! |" B7 u7 Y8 V; s

+ y, R% R9 h4 z7 aTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。How many museums around the world would have looked the other way as anumber of couples – including a heavily pregnant Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, one of the three convicted on Friday – were filmed having sex to illustrate how Muscovites were being screwed by their government? The British Museum? The Louvre? The Metropolitan? The wish to punish anarchists is not Russian alone.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  b: C* X- D$ @2 O7 h

) M& A2 t$ t& tBut the wish to crush political dissent, in this way and at this time, is Mr Putin's alone. Pussy Riot had two points to make, both of them valid: that the Orthodox Church provides intellectual and religious cover for Mr Putin's increasingly messianic political brand; and that this man is driving Russia straight up a cul de sac.The agent of stability is becoming the obstacle to change. The omens are not good. Mr Putin has no policies to offer a generation that has been politically awakened. He is not ready for dialogue with any part of country,and he is all about reinforcing central control. He has lost his grip on his popular image so he is forced back on an essentially conservative base. The result is that in his third term as president, Mr Putin has a real problem re-establishing himself as a leader for Russia as a whole.. ^& W- V6 }. U; t
公仔箱論壇1 l, [) m' J( _* E3 L
The Pussy Riot trial will not be the last. Criminal prosecutions will become the weapon of choice against political activists like the anti-corruption blogger Aleksei Navalny, journalists who face stiffer penalties for libel,websites, or foreign-funded NGOs. Of course the world reaction is selective and partial. Would that Sergei Magnitsky, the lawyer whose corruption investigation led to his death in prison, have produced the same reaction as the Pussy Riot verdict. That does not change the verdict that all Mr Putin has to offer the next demonstration, called for September, is a bigger stick.
. f7 h0 g; t! F2 Ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。) T: |7 t8 B+ e+ r
It need not be this way. Mr Putin still has time to climb out of the hole he has dug himself into. He could call early parliamentary elections, because it was the rigged Duma elections last year that triggered the current crisis. He could let a popularly elected prime minister run the country. He could retreat from the political frontline, and still fashion a role for himself as father of the nation. To continue as he is doing, as the only and increasingly unsteady hand on Russia's tiller, spells disaster.
作者: aa00    時間: 2012-8-19 08:22 PM

多國示威者聲援反普京樂隊pussy riot
& @: R0 G- r- d3 @( U0 Mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ n" {" H9 `( d# q( R

2 k! ^: s# @0 k8 b$ F. R% d2 c: c$ pTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。3 Z! i6 O$ Y* h! L6 Q" ]3 P2 L7 }

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