% U$ Q4 J2 t1 Z& h0 Q7 wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb李克強是技師?公仔箱論壇3 H! V8 u: Z+ w- `/ y, D
大學的客人李克強,學了點江澤民的風雅,也在港大百年校慶講幾句英語了。他先用中文演講,接近尾聲時,特意講兩分鐘英語:The University of Hong Kong was used to be for China and the world. And just now, he(徐立之校長)once again stressed that HKU is a university built for China and the world. To echo the Vice Chancellor Xu's view, indeed, HKU is for HK. Attracting talents and educating people is promote HK's prosperity. HKU is for China. It has become a key higher education institution in China, playing an increasingly important role in China's development and its integration with the world.公仔箱論壇) a1 U! }+ j- V8 ]1 B) S
8 k: a! \. H% XAnd HKU is also for the world. It has become an integral part of the world event community of advancing human knowledge. As the University of Hong Kong is proudly celebrating its first 100 years, I strongly believe that, in the next 100years, it would be even better.公仔箱論壇& V5 m/ s3 W7 g+ W( G: \
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 k B# |* r% {
重複囉唆,乾結無文,是二三流的技術官僚級的蹩腳英文,不是官長級的英文。講這樣的英文,副總理或他的秘書露底了── 雖然他說港大是for the world,而不是international school ,仍然有點學術眼界,但往後卻說港大是為了中國的繁榮的,又自打嘴巴,將港大變成狹隘的小型理工學院,或者國防大學、法政學院之類。前面講了千言萬語,結尾是祝福港大evenbetter,軟乎乎的,虎頭蛇尾矣。 4 A# r2 L2 A7 K+ u公仔箱論壇副總理的英語發言,用我這位前任香港小官員的水平,可以修訂如下:公仔箱論壇; v) k, E2 s, k: X
% M- o. m; u5 r- E! `1 G
The University of Hong Kong is a university for China and the world at large. I won't call it a Chinese university, because we already have it in Hong Kong and I should rather mention it in a separate occasion. The role of the University of Hong Kong as a university for China is particularly true in these recent decades, as it brings the world closer to China through academic exchange and knowledge transfer. In the years to come, I trust the University will bring China closer to the world.. K! w! D$ }) j" g/ T
' ^7 |" T' _1 ^$ ~! N) Z0 _
這裏玩了一下兩所頂級大學競爭、Oxford-Cambridge式的學術玩笑,也留下一句後代可以徵引的名言HKU brings China closer to the world。諸如integration with the world這類低級的技師英文(technical English),也用bring…closer to the world的貴族英文取代了。這是香港政府一位退任小官員的文書水平。$ o- J0 r' {2 V; Y" }3 q- h1 | tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' L/ M9 q1 d+ Y
唐英年是工人階級? 1 e5 p2 B0 ^. [/ }: N# M0 u* d$ qTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。最後,也提一下唐英年的英語。八月十九日,記者以英語追問,有批評指有關保安安排違反言論自由及新聞自由,唐英年不以為然,以英語嚴辭指摘有關批評「完全是垃圾」:I think that is completely rubbish that we have violated civil rights, nor have we violated freedom of speech, because every single activity of the Vice-Premier has been covered by the media.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 ~4 f/ @: Q$ R1 F
& O) `5 `( m0 H0 @9 g: l1 P
句子是很長的複雜句,而且有貶義副詞的倒裝(adverbial inversion),造句的技師本領看似不錯(但開頭要用We have not violated civil rights),可是completely rubbish一詞,就配錯了:completely是三音節的詞,rubbish是兩音節,completely rubbish的重心,就在completely,而completely的complete是有褒義的聯想的。正確的配詞,是單音節的sheer rubbish或雙音節的utter rubbish,兩者都可,讀音的輕重,配襯好就是。用sheer rubbish,sheer 之後要略停; 用utter rubbish,則可連珠炮發,不必停頓。口講completely rubbish在文法上可以接受(嚴格應說complete rubbish),但這種狠話,政客不能輕率亂講。不講假話,也用詭辯自我保護,唐英年可說It is totally ungrounded to accuse us of violating all civil rights 即可(作者按:留下餘地,必要時可承認政府略有侵犯人權)。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* O* @& H4 l) a
這些修辭,是在John Milton的詩、莎士比亞的劇、丘吉爾的演講詞所學的,文法書只能教nor have we…的adverbial inversion而已。更何,權貴階級是不屑賣弄這些花俏的英文倒裝句的。這是工人階級顯露英文知識的句子! / F0 W4 _4 v. H3 p8 f# ]0 Uos.tvboxnow.com / _+ E; J2 |5 ~- [8 L' rTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。唐英年在上流社會和國際場合講了幾十年英語,這些語音節奏和英文風格都不掌握,比起李克強這位團派土幹部,更不入流了。 " n/ G# z" }2 Q# |" Mos.tvboxnow.com Z: N* _. w" {. w4 ^* ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvb陳雲Facebook留言: % \7 O% j) z0 Y& l! V限於篇幅,無法講清楚,結集再用註腳說明:我幫李克強擬的演講詞,說academic exchange和knowledge transfer,用學術交流和知識轉移的詭詞,避免了中國要依賴香港引入新學的指責。這些都是外交辭令的ABC。寫這篇文章,是安慰香港人,香港仍大把人才,不要被外人看扁,以為只有這些水皮人物霸佔政壇。也順便給中共政府看看,他們出來演說的人,是多麼的可笑。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# u5 E& U, h& u 作者: felicity2010 時間: 2011-8-25 11:20 AM
唐英年說的是英文嗎? 古德明os.tvboxnow.com" J. b$ A/ L+ `
' g/ p( s; q" a3 N: }- V# [問:日前中共副總理李克強訪香港,曾蔭權政府鐵腕鎮壓抗議者。政務司長唐英年用英文宣布:「我認為,我們『侵犯民權』的說法簡直是垃圾。我們也沒有侵犯言論自由。」先生有沒有聽過唐英年那段話?他的英文好不好? i: T* H F5 U* i7 o4 U f公仔箱論壇答:「漢兒學得胡兒語,卻向城頭罵漢人。」國音云亡,昔人所哀,而胡兒語唐英年其實還未學得。請看他說話原文: I think that is completely rubbish that we have violated civil rights, nor have we violated freedom of speech。一句話,嚴重文法錯誤就有兩個。 ' b- I# x* [/ y) {: f! f* D) D O2 [TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 # c, v$ B$ \% `/ [公仔箱論壇第一,completely是副詞( adverb),副詞怎可以修飾名詞rubbish?「簡直廢話」英文可說 complete/ utter/ absolute/ pure rubbish等,即「形容詞+名詞」。當然,說 completely/ utterly nonsensical等也可以,但那是「副詞+形容詞」。這一點,無非小學英文常識,唐英年請不要再搞錯了。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% T3 y& c- r& H1 `( ~+ a* i
( q, N/ d2 r: u# h) R+ y/ P, B4 yos.tvboxnow.com第二,用 nor(也不)帶出的子句(clause),前面那子句必須有 neither、 not等否定詞,例如: We have not violated civil rights, nor have we violated freedom of speech。唐英年那一句,前半截沒有否定詞,怎可以用 nor?這一點,是中學英文常識,唐英年的確不容易掌握,但可能的話,以後最好也不要再搞錯。公仔箱論壇( t: M1 X3 O; C$ {* {5 q
I think that is completely rubbish that這句式當然也不是英文。英文會說:I think it is complete rubbish to say that we have violated civil rights or freedom of speech。作者: ljscgy 時間: 2011-8-25 02:43 PM
Good point.I like it.作者: akh333 時間: 2011-8-25 06:22 PM