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標題: 日本刻意挑釁 中國豈能示弱 信報社評 [打印本頁]

作者: felicity2010    時間: 2010-9-20 12:45 PM     標題: 日本刻意挑釁 中國豈能示弱 信報社評

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2010-9-20 12:49 PM 編輯
/ V0 [2 r! E. cos.tvboxnow.comtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ n) C' d% x" L/ _6 l
日本刻意挑釁 中國豈能示弱   信報社評tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' ^+ w' l$ x' f1 B# f) t, l/ S+ Z
9 G6 [, F& n1 K2 s: h2 L# a4 v
司「讚賞」這位政治上的「反華派」外相在昨天接受NHK訪問時,指內地的反日抗議活動轉為零星,中國政府也在努力控制;但不旋踵,日本方面卻宣布會繼續拘留中國漁船船長詹其雄十天。中國政府自漁船被扣押以來一直表現克制,本意應是盡量為事件降溫,尤其大陸的反日民情一旦蔓延,政府也擔心無法控制;但是,儘管中國政府在各地動員大批警力嚴防反日情緒升溫之際,日本政府竟然以繼續調查為理由延長扣押中國漁船船長,故意挑釁,無意把爭端盡快平息;事至如此,北京如果仍然「忍辱負重」,恐怕更大規模的反日行動勢將爆發。3 H  j: ?" {4 q& D0 B: S

9 ?3 S5 z- v1 l( {os.tvboxnow.com無論在法在情在理,日本延長扣押中國漁船船長都是不可容忍的作為。先談法。中國漁船「閩晉漁5179號」跟日本海保巡邏船發生碰撞,先後兩次,日本的「與那國」號和「水域」號巡邏船都曾跟中國漁船撞擊,但雙方都沒有人員受傷,也沒有發生燃料泄漏事故,這種在過去因民間保釣運動宣示主權及漁民作業受日方所阻而發生船隻碰撞時有發生,過去極少出現日方扣留中方人員的事件;事發於九月七日,當時日本民主黨黨內改選仍未結束,部分分析指菅直人借故顯示自己的強硬作風,相信選舉過後「借題發揮」的效應消失,日方自會在「警戒」船長之後放人;這種看法現在完全落空。日本海上保安廳在九月七日晚上發表的公布稱,日方是以涉嫌妨礙執行公務為理由,逮捕中國漁船船長,同時又以涉嫌違反《漁業法》(逃避登船檢查)為由展開調查;很明顯,日方是以釣魚島水域為日本領海作為前提,才能夠引用上述法律依據進行「執法」;但中國的立場向來聲稱釣魚島是「中國神聖領土」,附近一帶應該屬於有爭議的水域,日本強行把它列作領海範圍,是中日發生爭拗的根源,如今再進一步,日本政府乾脆在釣魚島一帶實施本國的法律並進行執法,中國政府又怎能接受?沒有法律依據而扣留中國船長,是非法行為,更違反了《聯合國海洋法公約》第二七九條「用和平方法解決爭端的義務」的精神,中國政府如果不向日方作「嚴正交涉」,實在難向國人交代。- Z2 l0 K, D7 ~+ D5 D/ G( j( ?6 h" q8 V
1 T' N  l! g; z% Y
在情方面,中國漁船船長在九月七日被拘,至昨天已屆十三日,現再延長十天,合計超過三個星期,到底船長犯了什麼彌天大罪?刑事拘留一般也不會超過七天,除非涉及特別嚴重的罪行,日方是否濫用拘留權?中國船長詹其雄祖母因過度憂慮致死,詹其雄無法奔喪,日方又沒有安排詹的家人赴日探望,一個在正常作業期間被拘押的中國漁民,竟受到日方如此無情對待,徒令「中日人民友好」成為笑話。公仔箱論壇  r5 U( N" g2 u$ |

/ _  e" }; j8 Zos.tvboxnow.com在理方面,釣魚島的主權爭議一直相持不下,一九七一年六月十七日,日美簽訂歸還沖繩協定,釣魚島被一併劃入「歸還區域」交給日本,中國外交部隨即在同年十二月三十日發表聲明,譴責美日兩國,並強調協議不能改變中國對釣魚島的領土主權;自此之後,中日在此議題上時起紛爭,但兩國政府始終保持「動口不動手」,避免事件觸發衝突,九月八日時任日本官房長官的仙谷由人在事發時強調中日雙方應避免漁船事件升級,日本國內也要冷靜對待這一事件,表面看來,日方表現出冷靜理性的一面,可是結果並非如此不合法拘押在先,更蠻不講理繼續調查延長拘押期,這種姿態試問又怎能令事件降溫?
. M3 [( ]' _& itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

5 H; x. t" {8 z" p0 |: e4 D2 |TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。中國已經向日方提出反擊,終止了雙方的高層接觸,事態發展下去,中日有沒有一戰的可能?《紐約時報》Nicholas Kristof 的文章最有參考價值美國並沒有同意釣魚台一定是日本的,怎會因此而替日本打仗!沒有美國撑腰,熱戰是打不起來的,但看來北京要提出更強硬的姿態,方能平息因日方挑釁而激起的反日情緒。
作者: felicity2010    時間: 2010-9-20 12:57 PM

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2010-9-20 01:03 PM 編輯 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& q0 w1 Y& W2 e* V

/ `' n( S3 l' L& F6 Z: i% \! yLook Out for the Diaoyu Islands By NICHOLAS KRISTOF 8 j0 A7 W6 _0 s# S+ l( }2 t
September 10, 2010, 6:07 pm
2 J5 Q' {, j% A9
$ s6 e% m% ~7 F" H公仔箱論壇Tensions have erupted over some barren rocks in the Pacific that you may never have heard of, but stay tuned – this is a boundary dispute that could get ugly and some day have far-reaching consequences for China, Japan, Taiwan and the United States. The islands in question are called the Senkaku chain by Japan,the Diaoyu islands by China,and the Diaoyutai by Taiwan.All three claim the islands, which are really just five islets and three barren rocks northeast of Taiwan,200 miles off the Chinese coast. The latest confrontation occurred when a Chinese fishing boat collided with two Japanese naval vessels trying to intercept it near the islands. The Japanese detained the Chinese captain for questioning and the two countries have been exchanging indignant protests.
# q+ D1 E0 f; ^4 b- V0 fos.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇  Z! I; {2 N  P
The reason to worry is that nationalists in both China and Taiwan see the islands as unquestionably theirs and think that their government has been weak in asserting this authority. So far,wiser heads have generally prevailed on each side, but at some point a weakened Chinese leader might try to gain legitimacy with the public by pushing the issue and recovering the islands.  It would be a dangerous game and would have a disastrous impact on China-Japan relations, but if successful it would raise the popularity of the Chinese government and would also be a way of putting pressure on Taiwan.2 Y; D  g( w2 d' F8 l2 N6 {7 |6 p/ s: p) v

" n; B$ F0 u" h4 u3 E; E! dos.tvboxnow.comThe other problem is that, technically, the U.S.would be obliged to bail Japan out if there were a fight over the Senkakus. The U.S. doesn’t take a position on who owns the islands, but the Japan-U.S. security treaty specifies that the U.S. will help defend areas that Japan administers. And in 1972, when the U.S.handed Okinawa back to Japan,it agreed that Japan should administer the Senkakus. So we’re in the absurd position of being committed to help Japan fight a war over islands, even though we don’t agree that they are necessarily Japanese.
" t$ k7 T5 G  m% \" u& x公仔箱論壇1 \: m/ S0 E* n" C+ J
In reality, of course, there is zero chance that the
U.S. will honor its treaty obligation over a few barren rocks.We’re not going to risk a nuclear confrontation with China over some islands that may well be China’s. But if we don’t help, our security relationship with Japan will be stretched to the breaking point.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: E: u1 m5 a' A: {% H& o8 s
So which country has a better claim to the islands?My feeling is that it’s China, although the answer isn’t clear cut. Chinese navigational records show the islands as Chinese for many centuries, and a 1783Japanese map shows them as Chinese as well. Japan purported to “discover” the islands only in 1884 and annexed them only in 1895when it also grabbed Taiwan.(You can also make a case that they are terra nullis, belonging to no nation.)公仔箱論壇5 [. n% V& R# N( P

$ G; _* ?5 X: O8 r公仔箱論壇The best approach would be for China and Japan to agree to refer the dispute to the International Court of Justice, but realistically that won’t happen. And since some believe that the area is rich with oil and gas reserves, the claims from each side have become more insistent. As Chinese nationalism grows, as China’s navy and ability to project power in the ocean gains, we could see some military jostling over the islands. You read it here first.

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