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標題: [疑難求助] 什么軟件可以玩facebook的games(还没越獄) [打印本頁]

作者: p.w.poon    時間: 2010-6-26 08:11 PM     標題: 什么軟件可以玩facebook的games(还没越獄)

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作者: boboivan1026    時間: 2010-6-26 09:43 PM

cloud browse 100% can play ok
作者: p.w.poon    時間: 2010-6-30 12:25 PM

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作者: ar_lo_826    時間: 2010-6-30 02:13 PM

1# p.w.poon

Doesn't matter if you have jailbroken your iphone or not, there are currently no software or app that can be installed on your iphone to allow you to play the games on facebook, i assume you are thinking about farmtown, petville that kind of flash games right?!  It's up to the games provider to develop an iPhone app or not, it's most likely that you will have to wait until they roll out, just like Farmville, they had just rolled out the iPhone app.

Due to Apple doesn't allow Flash to be used on the Iphone, whever you hit a flash site or a flash game you want to play, you will experience the same problem.

Let's hope that SkyFire can make something to work on the iPhone.   If you don't know what SkyFire is, try to google it, it's a great app that can be used on windows mobile.
作者: vuilip    時間: 2010-7-21 09:01 AM

[消息] Skyfire欲推iPhone版支持Flash和Silverlight
在蘋果公司批准Opera Mini流覽器進入App Store應用程式商店之後,這款流覽器軟體隨即成為各國iPhone用戶的熱門下載應用, 這也是Opera在手機流覽器市場競爭中的重要一步,同時為此而高興的還有另外一家手機流覽器廠商Skyfire。Skyfire首席執行官JeffGlueck近日在其官方博客發佈一篇文章為Opera進行祝賀,並表示蘋果開放流覽器軟體進入iPhone應用平臺是個明智的選擇,這將有利於其他廠商 在移動流覽器領域取得更多創新。
不過蘋果公司是否會批准Skyfire流覽器進入App Store仍是個未知數,Skyfire採用了與Opera同樣的伺服器端壓縮技術,而其最大的優勢是支援Flash和Silverlight,目前的 Windows Mobile和Symbian系統用戶使用這款流覽器可以得到很好的多媒體網頁使用體驗。不過蘋果與Flash之間的怨念,將會成為Skyfire的最大 阻力。

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