办公室生活总是太沉闷,除非你对面正好有个美女和你大玩暧昧,否则每天的上班时间对任何一个健康的人来说都是折磨。所以总得找点乐子,比如说USB热舞女郎(USB Pole Dancer)。你想象的一样,USB热舞女郎能在钢管上做出各种花式来取悦你,无论是脚下的闪光舞台,还是脸上那动画味十足的大眼睛,都是你每一天的不错调剂。
这是一个男性为主导的世界,你甚至从一些产品设计上就能看出端倪,比如说这款非常抢眼的芭蕾桌(Ballerina Table):修长的女性腿部,支撑起一张大小恰到好处的圆桌,再配上黑白碎花桌布,远远望去,如同一名高傲的女芭蕾演员,正和着悠扬的曲调起舞,裙摆飘飘,让人忍不住想一亲芳泽……作者: tmantman 時間: 2010-5-16 02:37 AM
they are so fun作者: JaG 時間: 2010-5-16 11:32 AM
so funny~ good`作者: zs86210904 時間: 2010-5-19 02:35 PM
There was a time when art was valued because it was aesthetically pleasing and because it brought grand ideas into public discourse. In modern times,art is also gaining value as an investment not just as a long-term source of goodwill, but as a short-term source of quick profits. Over the past ten
years, the art market has shown volatility similar to that of the stock market, and yet some of the prices that works of art have yielded at market have made it an attractive investment asset class. Art will always a subjective investment, influenced by the trends of the time. However, it is
still a tangible asset, with low correlation to stockmarkets and therefore the perfect alternative market in which to diversify one investment portfolio. The large allocation of high net worth individual capital into art, and the predicted increase in the number of such individuals across the world, is expected to lead to a far greater appetite and demand for art investments.
One art investment website in Australia: http://www.arttrust.com.au/content/why-invest-art作者: vin_chen 時間: 2010-5-22 02:34 PM