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標題: [有冇搞錯] 近排又再次流行兩個低能流言 [打印本頁]

作者: moxfactor    時間: 2010-4-25 09:36 PM     標題: 近排又再次流行兩個低能流言

近排又再次流行啲低能流言.  冰島火山酸雨量好少, 就算有都唔會生皮膚癌, 最多都係有過量二氧化碳同氧化硫, 但冇可能足夠到導致中毒.  亂去唔識人既party飲醉起身畀人偷內臟係廿年前既"新聞", 話係中國既新聞係針對全中國人民扇風點火, 可恥既行為.  中國政府有咩問題大把你講, 使唔使害埋千千萬萬無關既同胞?

有關酸雨個SMS應該係今年2月中已經開始傳出, 話係每750年發生一次乜乜月球光環XX...  第一同冰島無關, 第二根本冇咁既事, 第三個氧化硫易溶于水, 但皮膚冇换科幻小說中咁快可以吸收表面水份(skin diffusion), 就算有咁既事, 游過泳池水既人個個都一早氯氣中毒死Q哂啦, 都仲未講到海水入面既重金屬, ...幾時輪到酸雨!?!?

有可能因冰島火山而死既係因為大量吸入火山灰... 如同房屋起火大量吸入濃煙差唔多...當然, 死因有別.  一係火山灰導致氣管閉窒, 另一係氧化碳中毒....

1991年已經開始有偷腎傳言...  都唔知係唔係真...

希望大家唔好見到乜就信乜...  google下唔使死架.

and in english, 2 bullshit rumours have been spreading due to general ignorance recently, the "NASA" message about 750 year cyclic acid rain causing skin cancer, and 2nd in hong kong about some girl in sichuan went to a party and was drugged and had her kidneys stolen.  it's an urban legend without any actual proof.  don't believe everything you hear.  and with the same advice, don't take my word for it, google and find out for yourself.

if you don't believe in those Nigerian princes wanting to give you money or that you're the winner of some UK lottery when you've never been to the UK, you sure as hell don't want to believe that acid rain can kill you through skin diffusion faster than chlorinated pool water or even leaky pen ink, or the e-coli bacteria around your anus soaking back into your skin, or dishwashing liquid, or...

notice how silly this stupid rumour sounds now?

my words.
作者: ntc123321    時間: 2010-4-25 10:09 PM

thanks for sharing!
作者: oscarterrence    時間: 2010-4-25 11:08 PM

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