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標題: [問題] 請問我應該買Canon or Nikon? [打印本頁]

作者: gladiator139    時間: 2010-4-6 01:03 AM     標題: 請問我應該買Canon or Nikon?

各位師兄:我想買部機兩萬蚊左右,請問Canon定Nikon好呢? 我初學應該買什麼型號?
作者: stephen471    時間: 2010-4-6 09:13 PM

Canon 5D 同Nikon D700都唔錯,兩間廠各有擁護者,無話邊個最好,今期你好些,下次我咪又加碼,我用Nikon ,朋奋開影樓,用Canon 但佢玩過我部 Nikon 都話十家各有千秋,如果有朋友咪乜牌子都得,如果已有幾個朋友玩開,咪最好大家同一牌子,啲樣可以亙相交換。
作者: TAIPOXP    時間: 2010-4-7 06:31 PM

nikon is better
作者: cat14051    時間: 2010-4-9 12:08 PM

初學不適宜用 5D 吧, 7D 已完美
作者: superman_kk    時間: 2010-4-9 12:19 PM

诺你喜欢拍运动,选Canon,诺喜欢拍人像,选Nikon 1# gladiator139
作者: msmbb    時間: 2010-4-18 06:26 PM

I think #2 stephen471 ching is right, if u have no lens/accessories of either of the brands yet, choose the one you have more friends who are using and you can sharing to try with them.
作者: happyebuy    時間: 2010-4-23 09:44 AM

Nikon is very good, Canon is good.
作者: 小邱    時間: 2010-6-2 02:48 PM

至於那牌,先買NIKON 或 CANNON吧,鏡頭比較多……

作者: orchids    時間: 2010-6-2 07:53 PM

Please tell what is full frame and half frame??  I am new hand. Thanks.
作者: moxfactor    時間: 2010-6-3 03:36 AM

Please tell what is full frame and half frame??  I am new hand. Thanks.
orchids 發表於 2010-6-2 07:53 PM
please look here
作者: moxfactor    時間: 2010-6-3 04:14 AM

選N或C都冇乜分別.  唔好花咁多錢, 買部入門機 + Tamron既 18-270鏡(最好既"一鏡玩哂", 又稱"天涯鏡"), 玩住先啦.  到你玩咗幾個月至1年後, 再諗升級都未遲...  入手就買2萬既機...  用乜鏡?  kit lens呀?  咪講笑啦...

反而新手最重要既, 你落任何一間電器店/DC Fever/Cam2/等等...  試下唔同機既手感, 唔好怕輕身, 因為你都未清楚你係咪半年後仲有興趣玩...  見啱手感既咪買囉.  玩咗一排, 想試下唔同既野, ...

對風景有興趣既, 入支Sigma 10-20 f4-5.6, 平平地玩下超廣角
想做"龍友"影女既, 入支N或C記既 85mm 1.8試下先
想影特寫(可以係人像, 可以影昆蟲, product, 等等...)既, 入支 Sigma 150mm f2.8 玩下, 想再深入啲既, 加套Kenko extension tube (所謂既廁紙筒), 可減低最近焦距(但同時亦減少最遠焦距, 加上會冇哂AF, 要手動對焦).

如果真係要講硬件, 鏡一定重要過機.  有部份平既鏡(如上例)係唔錯既選擇(介紹得既都係5千樓下既好鏡).  如果要添既, 可加支mecablitz/sigma既閃燈(其外柔光罩等等幾十蚊野可以到時再決定).  平平地玩下先啦, 有咗明顯既興趣先燒錢...  當然, 到時候, 如果真係上咗癮, 就係時候搵個好既阿sir教下啲技巧及知識.  用多出嚟既萬零蚊, 去unisoft/fevaworks搵個大師(唔係利用徒弟教嗰啲大師)上堂好過.  學番嚟既野, 你以後最少有足夠既資料做明確既決定.  唔好做盲目做牌子既奴隸.

stephen471講得都有道理, 如果身邊有些朋友係玩開一個牌子, 可以試下用同樣牌子既機, 咁多方面有照應.

玩相機係無底深淵, 但有自己既知識在手就可以用少好多無謂既錢.
作者: moxfactor    時間: 2010-6-3 04:17 AM

stephen471 發表於 2010-4-6 09:13 PM
作者: nicdee    時間: 2010-6-3 07:15 PM

作者: 551225    時間: 2010-6-5 02:16 AM

I like Canon
作者: swchun    時間: 2010-8-30 09:45 PM

作者: dranimals    時間: 2010-8-31 04:58 AM

support moxfactor answer. I also tell the other which lens system in their mine. not the camera. Len tend to not upgrade so offen, camera can change model every year.
作者: wawawa3    時間: 2010-9-22 08:28 AM

if beginner level, C is more ideal(seems like the lens price cost less) but N have significant better pic quality once you go high end especially full frame
作者: moxfactor    時間: 2010-9-23 01:56 AM

i disagree.  Nikon's new 28-300 for full frame is a lot cheaper than Canon's similar lens.  (remember FF lenses could easily be used on DX cameras), and anyways, if you really want to cheap up on lenses, there's always Sigma and Tamron lenses to choose from.  btw, for a beginner, D3100 + Tamron's 18-270 VC is a perfectly cheap and excellent combination.  easy on the pockets and can be used under almost all circumstances to produce tack sharp and excellent quality photos at A3+ sizes.  even if the grip's a bit small, but i have Rachmaninov hands...

and i disagree again, Canon's 5D MkII and 1Ds MkIII are 2 cameras with amazing photo quality, albeit 1Ds MkIII has some significant lossy AF issues, photo quality are mostly on par at ISO 200-800 range which is usually what most people shoot at most of the time.  this not even factoring in 5dMk2/1DsMK3 vs D3X in terms of pixel count vs price.  (in certain aspects, this is a major factor).  at one time I, as a long time Nikon user, had seriously considered buying a 5dMk2 for macro and birding photography, partly because 5dMk2 is a decent machine, and mostly due to it's MP count for cropping  (i still have problems shooting tack sharp insects in the wild smaller than 8mm, but i can solve that when i find a decent viewfinder magnifier).
作者: norman.ho    時間: 2010-9-23 09:30 AM

i have Rachmaninov hands
haha, you so funny.  You play like him too?
Been thinking of getting a FF myself, bur the 5D and 1Ds is so expensive, thought it might be an overkill.
(i still have problems shooting tack sharp insects in the wild smaller than 8mm, but i can solve that when i find a decent viewfinder magnifier).
Doesn't the LCD give enough details?
作者: moxfactor    時間: 2010-9-23 10:42 AM

lol, nah, haven't played for about 20 years, and i only went up to grade 5 in the UK system.  as far as i remember, i was able to play about 10-11 white keys apart, but there were hardly even octave chords...

i very seldomly use the LCD for focusing, unless i need some strange angle.  also, the LCD display doesn't zoom with liveview and they do fly away with a huge lens in their face.  ^_^

Sigma annouced a new version of the 150mm macro with VR, i'm very interested in this, especially now that i also use this lens for filming videos~
作者: nhs    時間: 2010-9-26 09:34 AM

nikon 會比較好少少,顏色鮮艷D,高ISO雜訊少D.........., Canon 啲款靚仔D,但係換款好快,你可能買咗部機無內又出新機, 好似唔係好抵咁. 對於新手嚟講, Canon 可能會比較容易用啲.
作者: kccchris    時間: 2010-9-26 06:34 PM

Nikon is better. Canon is also good...
作者: ma2007    時間: 2010-9-27 10:19 PM

問吓朋友,幾多位用Nikon and Canon單反,傻瓜機唔計, 邊瓣多就買嗰個牌子。

BTW, I use Canon.
作者: 三瑞    時間: 2010-9-28 10:57 AM

作者: purplefaye84    時間: 2010-10-26 12:53 PM

作者: fuxkme    時間: 2010-10-26 05:26 PM

作者: 小西门    時間: 2010-10-27 02:22 AM

nikon 會比較好少少,顏色鮮艷D,高ISO雜訊少D.........., Canon 啲款靚仔D,但係換款好快,你可能買咗部機無內又出新機, 好似唔係好抵咁. 對於新手嚟講, Canon 可能會比較容易用啲. ...
nhs 發表於 2010-9-26 09:34 AM
本人用canon以五年, 已换了3部。 canon 换款太快了。 完全同意上面所说。
作者: fishball_11    時間: 2010-11-4 02:20 AM

作者: sumandak    時間: 2010-11-4 04:15 PM

Nikon is better.
作者: liangfengr    時間: 2010-11-8 03:03 AM     標題: 天津按摩网

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作者: simon9803    時間: 2010-11-8 01:15 PM

個人來講 Nikon 比較 pro 但 Canon 比較大眾化....因Nikon 拍攝風景出來比較清楚,但價格較 Canon 高! 但Canon 拍攝人像又比較好!對新手來講真係要想清楚自己要拍攝什麼!
作者: andy80ck    時間: 2010-11-8 09:58 PM

canon is best
作者: Sman    時間: 2010-11-9 01:52 AM

Just pick one, you would not go wrong with either Cannon or Nikon.  Try one out, and see how it feels in your hand.
作者: raycad    時間: 2010-11-9 09:08 AM

其實 n 同 c 都差不多, 新款我會選canon d60 因為有可翻轉的液晶螢幕, 好方面
作者: kschow    時間: 2010-11-9 12:34 PM

pick the cheapest one la. Price will drop drop drop......
作者: gareldchia    時間: 2010-11-10 07:28 PM

canon g12 or nikon p7000 is good for novice

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