in 2010Born in the Year: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
Element: metal, water, wood, fire, earth, metal, water, wood, fire
Overall Prediction & Improvement Advice
1922 & 1982: Good. Justice Will Come, If It Hasn’t Come It’s Because It Isn’t Time Yet.
1934 & 1994: Average. If You Don’t Know The Name of Your Receptionist, You Don’t Know Many Important Things.
1946 & 2006: Tough. If You Already Made Up Your Mind; Why Let People Confuse You With the Truths?
1958: Average. If U Think There Are Not Many 10 Years Left; Use Months Instead.
1970: Average. If God Wants Us To Know Casino Is Good; He Would Have Mentioned It In the Bible.
Good Stars: None
Bad Stars: White Tiger, Big Tribulation, Flying Curtain, Talent Blanket, Heaven BearDogs` Characteristics:
You are a righteous and chivalrous person. Quick to the rescue when your loved ones or friends are in trouble. You are selfless and courageous although under normalcircumstances, you don’t like to put your neck out. For you, actions always speak louder than words and you usually have problem expressing your feelings especially when comes
to the affairs of the heart. Conservative and cautious, it takes a while to win your confidence over but once achieved, we can count on you forever.
Dogs` 2010 Luck:
If we tell you there is no good star flying your way this year; do you lose all hopes and sink into the oblivion? You should not because unlike what most Feng-Shui Los won’t tell you; we are telling you now that Stars only play a part. A lot still depends on your own effort and where you are. In fact in many instances, your attitude and effort can reverse what
is predicted of you. So cheer up and do not slack. For businessmen, without the good stars’ help, you can still create many money making opportunities and harvest bountifully. Same for those working; you should not become lazy or too nonchalant about your duties. Does that mean bad luck still can make money in casinos. We won’t advise it; but it’s your money; just don’t blame us if you lose everything. The bad stars this year affect mainly on people who are too showy, proud, self-centered, selfish, bad pay master, and nonteam player. As long as you don’t belong to these categories you will be fine. Problem is most people who are in these categories will not admit or even know or feel that they are like that. Such is the curse of this kind of people. Only a big tribulation can wake them up and even then; some people never learnt. But my boss had been like that for the last 30 years; he is still mean, powerful yet rich. 30 years is too short to see the final chapter, my friend. Big tribulations are slower in coming but catastrophic when arrived.
This is a good year to retreat from your endless struggle in career to spend more time with your family. Have a kid if you want. He or she will overtake all other importance in your life. Be more tolerant to your spouse and kids. They are your last line of defense. Lose them, you will lose everything.
For those singles, stop fooling around, you may end up marrying someone really not suitable for you and you end up regretting whole life.
For school children, you may be bored that things are no longer interesting. Your parents don’t listen to you ( few parents do anyway ), your friends are not sincere ( they only want you to lend them money and games), and you come home to an empty shell. Such is this generation of kids; they get the blues so easily. Have a pet; not a human, a dog
preferably. It will be your best friend.
For the elderly, better not to meddle with the younger generation’s affairs lest you be accused of taking side. People give you food, you eat. They give you money, you keep. Sounds useless? Then did you have enough saving to be independent in the first place? Alright, let’s not talk about the past but what is your future plan? What is your bucket list?
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