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標題: [馬來西亞] 忘記鎖門引狼入室 獨居女郎險遭強姦 [打印本頁]

作者: amannn    時間: 2009-11-12 11:44 AM     標題: 忘記鎖門引狼入室 獨居女郎險遭強姦

4 ^9 s" K% T" n7 t9 }/ {4 x# M! w. M8 [6 o! ~  U, O. W: d7 J
5 p6 o1 R! L5 @  m/ w獨居女郎險遭強姦
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 ]9 R* y# H% |# X9 Z

5 e% U" m. z6 H1 a) d,八打靈再也11日訊)1名獨居女郎大意忘記鎖門,讓匪徒有機可乘潛入捆綁及企圖強姦她,所幸警方及時趕到,把她救出。  匪徒逃跑不及遭警方當場逮捕,已送往警局盤查,女事主則送院檢查。  此案是于昨日傍晚6時許,在哥打白沙羅一間住家單位發生。  八打靈再也警區主任阿祖奈迪助理總監指出,案發時,該名女子(20余歲,無業,未婚)一個人在家,大門並沒上鎖。  “警方相信因此才讓該名持刀嫌犯(30余歲)趁機潛入女郎住家。”  他說,當女事主發現上述嫌犯時,即刻致電其友人告知有關嫌犯的行蹤;友人當即向警方報案。  他披露,警方迅速趕抵現場,成功阻止有關嫌犯行兇,當場逮捕其歸案。  “根據調查,該名嫌犯無犯罪紀錄,警方援引刑事法典第376條文(強姦)和511條文(企圖犯罪)調查此案,將扣留嫌犯至本月13日(週五)調查。” 另外,阿祖奈迪也提醒民眾,當一個人在家時一定要鎖上大門,別讓匪徒有機會幹案。
作者: mary333    時間: 2009-11-13 10:07 PM

sometimes we might be careless... but when always things happen is when we careless that time. This lady is very lucky escape from the tragedy. And also thank to our police officer, take action so fast to safe this lady.
作者: weisiang80    時間: 2009-11-13 10:54 PM

The safety in Malaysia nowaday is turning from bad to worse.
7 l# V5 L( c. B2 b' E3 f: J. W" @tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThus, people should increase their conscious of their own safety to protect themselves.
  O" G* h& R8 HFurthermore, the police force also need to work hard to do surveillance on the "hot spot" in order to reduce the crime rate and make sure that citizen's safety.6 u* K9 ?( a) X; k- Q

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