Federico Macheda could be offered a five-year contract by Manchester United as soon as he turns 18, according to his agent.
The Italian youngster came off the bench to score a dramatic winning goal in stoppage time against Aston Villa just over a week ago.
On Saturday he did it again, snatching the decisive goal at the Stadium of Light to ensure that his side remain on top of the Premier League.
Macheda's agent Giovanni Bia believes that Sir Alex Ferguson will do everything he can to keep the 17-year-old at Old Trafford for a number of years.
"When he's 18 we'll talk again," Bia told Sky Italia. "I think Manchester will ask us to sign a five-year deal and I think that would be logical because it makes no sense to lose a lad at 21. We haven't talked about figures."
Macheda will celebrate his 18th birthday in August.
【明報專訊】意大利 17歲小將馬捷達在曼聯 一戰成名,立即聲價十倍,據報「紅魔」將大幅加薪24倍至11.4萬港元(1萬鎊),而且若最終蟬聯英超冠軍,曼聯將向賽會申請,特別批准上陣不足10場的馬捷達領取冠軍獎牌。馬捷達因家貧,讓曼聯在2007年由拉素 青年軍挖走,但在英倫的周薪亦只有4560港元(400鎊)。幸好當他接連2場英超射入致勝球後,不但名動天下,亦獲得每仗2.3萬元(2000鎊)獎金的實際回報。昨天又有報道指,曼聯為免這名新星遭其他球會高價搶去,故此將在今年夏天提早向他提供一紙新合約,周薪暴增至11.4萬元。加上18歲的巴西 達施華兄弟早前獲加薪1倍至每周6.8萬元(6000鎊),譽為里奧費迪南接班人的莊尼伊雲斯亦由11.4萬元飈升至45.6萬元(4萬鎊),紅魔已為新舊交替準備充足。另外,英超賽會規定冠軍隊成員必須披甲至少10次才可獲頒金牌,而馬捷達今屆最多只能上陣9場。據英國 《每日電訊報》披露,對他愛護有加的曼聯決定提出請求,希望破例讓他領獎,藉此增加他在紅魔的歸屬感。事實上,已離隊的中場阿倫史密夫 在2006至07年球季亦僅踢了9場聯賽,全賴紅魔求情才有份獲牌。費Sir加利仔齊管教對於馬捷達年紀輕輕已名成利就,有評論員擔心他會被冲昏頭腦。不過,在聯賽盃決賽成為捧盃功臣後,同樣獲得加薪的門將賓科士打表示﹕「Kiko(馬捷達暱稱)是很樸實的球員,我們一點也不擔心他會變得不可一世,而且我們陣中除了管教甚嚴的領隊費格遜 以外,還有很多球員老大哥,例如加利尼維利便一定會挺身而出,阻止新秀有任何囂張行為。」
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