標題: [新聞] 烏克蘭哈士奇戰火中和主人走散 認出「熟悉面孔」爆哭奔向前討抱 [打印本頁]
作者: itsctsu 時間: 2022-4-7 05:29 PM 標題: 烏克蘭哈士奇戰火中和主人走散 認出「熟悉面孔」爆哭奔向前討抱
Emotional moment husky meets owner in war-torn Bucha after being rescued
A husky dog has been reunited with its owner after being rescued from war-torn Bucha by Belarusian troops.
In touching footage shared on social media, the canine can be seen bounding towards her male owner, who is delighted to finally be reunited.
According to reports, the dog was rescued by a Belarusian battalion fighting against Russia’s invasion.
“A little positivity in these difficult times... As long as some treat people like animals, we are fighting for the lives of not only humans but every animal,” Belwarriors, the account that shared the video, wrote.
綜合外媒報導,俄羅斯軍隊撤離布查後,士兵卡斯圖斯.卡利諾斯基(Kastus Kalinouski )發現南希獨自在街上流浪,決定幫助牠回到飼主身邊。透過影片可以看見,一開始南希緩慢行走著,直到認出好久不見的主人後,才馬上加快腳步奮力衝向前,搖著尾巴埋進對方胸懷討抱抱,只見牠不斷發出嚶嚶哭聲,似乎在訴說著這些日子以來的思念,重逢畫面令人動容。
布查一個月前遭到俄軍入侵,炮火與空襲摧毀小鎮,儘管俄軍在多日前終於撤離,但爆炸的氣味仍然瀰漫在寒冷潮濕的空氣中,同時混雜著屍體腐敗的惡臭。市長費多魯克(Anatoliy Fedoruk)表示,布查至少有300多名無辜平民喪生,當局只能在教堂旁挖出萬人塚,以埋葬屍體。
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