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標題: [新聞] Our Next Superstar [打印本頁]

作者: cfloo    時間: 2009-2-14 10:48 PM     標題: Our Next Superstar

A bit random I know, but just a thought.

Every so often, a world class player comes along at OT, that everyoneimmediately falls in love with... The likes of Georgie Best, Cantona,Beckham, RVN and now currently Ronaldo. These players are usually thesort of guys who make us play the attractive football we are known forand contribute a great deal to our constant success. For instance the44 goals scored by RVN in one season and the 42 goals scored by Ronaldoin last seasons campaign. For me, these players are vital and everytimeone leaves we seem to suffer the consequences, whether it is in theshort term or the long term. For instance when Cantona left, we had adisastrous 97/98 season letting Arsenal win the double. When GeorgeBest left, we all know what happened, the unthinkable - relegation.When Becks left, we won the Premiership the next year, but only becauseof a lack of competition, and after that we went 3 years without amajor trophy...

What, I am saying basically is that we constantly produce these greatstars who are absolute world beaters. However, they always end up beingflawed geniuses and end up moving away. Like Becks, Rvn and possiblyRonaldo in the summer going to Real madrid. People can deny it all theywant but we rarely have a superstar at this club who lasts longer than5-6 years... I know Giggs and Keane can be mentionsed but what I amsaying is that out of all the Premiership clubs, we seem to be the onesthat suffer the most, in terms of our star players being flawed.

MY reason for these happenings is one thing really and that is theplayers not understanding the meaning of Manchester United. I think forus to have a loyal superstar, he would most certainly need to beBritish or Irish, someone who knows how important it is to wear the Utdjersey... I know Beckham was English, but tbh He had nothing betweenthe ears, except Victoria's voice telling him to go to Real Madrid...Now, we have Ronaldo saying ''I have a dream'' etc etc and quitefrankly it's pissing us all off. He doesn't seem to realise that toIrish and British people, United has to be the biggest club in theworld in your head or else you are not wanted or loved by the fans...Ronaldo's status among us fans has undoubtedly started to diminishrapidly as a result of not being able to understand the heritage andhistory of the club.We had the exact same problems with the likes ofGabby Heinze, RVN etc. I think this inability to understand stems fromthe fact that he is NOT from our part of the world, where UTD is life,ie Britain and Ireland.

Take an example... Steven Gerrard, English lad, Liverpudlian throughand through. Has remained at Liverpool all his life and has done someremarkable things for the club, that I think he wouldn't have beencapable of if he didn't have such love for his boyhood club. Also, thelikes of Keano, Giggs, Terry, Carragher, Lampard... All legends attheir respectable clubs...

My overall point is.... That the next time we produce another worldclass player after Cristiano is gone... I hope he is British. If he is, then I think we will have no problem in loving him for his wholecareer like Rooney etc... We would undoubtedly have no problems withthe player understanding the culture of English football and what itmeans to wear the United jersey and play in front of the StretfordEnd... Hopefully, we will be able to produce a Steven Gerrard/ RyanGiggs sort of player that will give his ultimate loyalty to the cluband give 100% game in game out. It is certainly one of my dreams thatUnited can in the future produce a world class talent that is fromBritain or Ireland that can become a future Ballon D'Or winner withouthis own fans calling him a **** etc... I know the idea sounds great andall, but the main problem is harvesting a young English players talentto become a great. Who could it be ??? Could it be Danny Welbeck, RavelMorrison etc.... One things for sure, it would be great to have aplayer that we could collectively love unlike the Ronaldo situation atthe moment...

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