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標題: [轉貼] [國家地理][環球美食通:智利篇][AVI][156M] [打印本頁]

作者: kan11hk    時間: 2008-9-4 07:30 PM     標題: [國家地理][環球美食通:智利篇][AVI][156M]

本片要帶大家到智利去探索當地受歐洲影響的料理。在臨海的昆泰鎮(Quintay),有位傳奇人物兼餐廳老闆以做菜給家人吃的心情,做出一道道地方菜。麥特尼斯農場(Los Maitenes Dairy)提供傳統英式下午茶。諾瑪阿古拉(Norma Aguilar)致力於保存智利特有的馬鈴薯品種,以求能為後代子孫留下稀有的馬鈴薯品種。出生於德國的智利頂尖廚師理查諾布拉克(Richard Knobloch),以創新手法發揮當地特有食材的特色。
Travel through Chile to explore native foods prepared with European influence. In the coastal town of Quintay, Doña Zuni, a local legend and restaurant owner, prepares regional recipes with homestyle affection. At Los Maitenes Dairy farm, enjoy the tradition of high tea, called onces in Chile. Norma Aguilar dedicates herself to preserving Chiles potato diversity in hopes of maintaining rare species for future generations. German-born Richard Knobloch, one of Chiles top chefs, raises native ingredients to new heights at Aqua restaurant in Santiago.

[ 本帖最後由 Actnow06 於 2008-9-5 02:12 AM 編輯 ]
作者: oldsnake    時間: 2008-9-5 06:07 PM

thank you so much for sharing
作者: kkwong2049    時間: 2008-9-7 07:54 AM

作者: yfc11050    時間: 2008-9-11 10:24 PM

Thanks for sharing
作者: paultse    時間: 2008-9-28 06:53 AM

作者: IJ2    時間: 2008-10-2 03:37 AM

Thank you very very much!!!

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