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標題: 大家看看我這套配置還需要哪些地方要升級的. [打印本頁]

作者: lovehuihui    時間: 2008-8-25 01:02 AM     標題: 大家看看我這套配置還需要哪些地方要升級的.

Cpu :Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual E2140 @1.60GHz
內存:兩根(威剛萬紫千紅DDRII667 1G)
顯示卡:集成GMA950顯示核心 顯存:128
聲卡:板載Realtek ALC662 6聲道聲卡
主板擴充槽:1個PCI Express x16插槽
1個PCI Express x1插槽
我都想玩些大型的3D遊戲,比如光暈,使命召喚4什麼的. 我的電腦顯示卡是肯定要換的,請問大家還需要換什麼嗎? 還有如果換顯示卡的話,我這配置合適哪些性價比高一點的顯示卡? 按照我現在這個配置,光暈1跑得動嗎?
作者: rd2002    時間: 2008-8-25 05:01 PM     標題: 回應 lovehuihui 第 1 篇文章

it depends on which os u r goin to use. for xp, i think u are fine. for vista, although it won't be slow terribly, u shouldn't expect ur pc can run as fast as u expected. also, ur pc's specification plus a video card, like u said in the thread, should be able to play games like halo 3 and call of duty 4 in low or moderate settings.
for the video card, how much is ur budget? if u have some spare money want to spend on a good video card, i will suggest hd 4850, which i think its price should around 180 usd. i am not sure the price in asia and other parts of world though...
作者: kwplee    時間: 2008-8-27 04:06 PM

I reckon at least 2GHz+ CPU, otherwise most of the games will need to run at low res and probably to get hiccup at movement.  upgrade to 512mb graphic card if possible.  At the end, it all depends what kind of money you can afford.
作者: shinemar    時間: 2008-8-29 11:02 PM

作者: s_5558    時間: 2008-8-30 10:11 PM

至少 ATI 3870
作者: qwerty@123    時間: 2008-9-17 11:36 AM

换个独立显卡就行了  支持directx 10 的
作者: only_lonely1220    時間: 2008-9-17 11:55 AM

可以考虑换成ati 4850或者 nvdia9600gt 吧...这两个性价比都很高...如果条件允许可以换换ati 4870...再换个四核q6600就可以变成超级电脑了...哈哈!纯属个人意见...
作者: sxwangjing    時間: 2008-9-23 05:04 PM

显卡显存要有256bit 以上
作者: 不死一輝    時間: 2008-10-27 10:27 AM

根本上我覺得cpu 也不夠, ram 應該去到2g 的, display 可以用ati 的, 現在很明顯 ati 比nvidia 有更大的優勢
作者: YZF701    時間: 2008-11-8 10:30 AM

作者: jacketmilo    時間: 2008-11-13 10:41 PM

内存变成2G 800
作者: tony8604198    時間: 2008-11-13 11:34 PM

作者: 520315    時間: 2009-3-12 01:47 AM


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