dont know why~~ * m z3 l) X7 F! v. t( hi have used web迅雷 to dl for a long time~~- d8 K3 \& k0 a! h2 X
but it has started 上網斷線 from 1 weeks before~ dotn know why~~ % r* f7 ?6 w( T& K9 {* O1 Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtried to call internet company`~ they said my internet signal is fine~~~:作者: CC517 時間: 2008-7-1 10:08 PM
有時會啦, 剔多兩下就行番.:onion05:作者: johmmy 時間: 2008-7-2 08:23 AM
我用迅雷都有呢个问题。每日我down第一部戏冇事但係我down第二部戯就會自己斷線跟著自己連接返上網之後就冇事啦。日日都係甘作者: Chriskululu 時間: 2008-7-2 09:00 AM
still have same problem作者: coocloud 時間: 2008-8-7 03:22 AM
i'm also using xunlei~~~the problem that i have is can't surf the net when using it~~~ & V5 {6 J9 P( `3 ?7 Eos.tvboxnow.commaybe you can just limit ur speed~~作者: lcl03175 時間: 2008-8-7 11:33 PM