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標題: 科比:蓄意的傲慢 [打印本頁]

作者: kingjames    時間: 2008-4-30 04:26 AM     標題: 科比:蓄意的傲慢

Kobe Bryant has done a lotof talking in the first two games of the Lakers’ first round seriesagainst the Nuggets. He has also backed it up with his play.

Two minutes into the third quarter of Game 1, Bryant had missed 10 of the 12 shots he had taken.

Tenseconds later, he intercepted an Allen Iverson pass and sprinted backfor the dunk. He was fouled hard by Anthony Carter, preventing him frommaking the basket, but that wasn’t where Carter went wrong. With playalready stopped, Carter, feeling that Bryant had intentionally hit himin the face while falling out of bounds, shoved Bryant into thecameramen sitting along the baseline.

Bad move, Carter.

Bryanthad some words for Carter, and he responded by making all three of hisfree throws — two for the foul on the play, one for the technical foulassessed to Carter for the shove. He then went on hit three of his nextfour shots. A game that had been tied at 49-49 when Carter shovedBryant had quickly become a six-point Lakers lead. That lead wouldcontinue to grow to 13 by the end of the quarter.

At the6:45 mark in the third quarter, Bryant drove towards the paint, bouncedoff a moving Kenyon Martin, and rose up for an off-balance and-onebasket as the whistle blew. On his way to the line to complete thethree-point play, Kobe shook his head, repeatedly telling the crowd,“Don’t worry about it. I got it.”

A minutelater, at the 5:18 mark, Bryant jab-stepped and again rose up overMartin, draining a picture perfect 19-foot jumpshot. On his way backdown the court, he shook his head at Martin, simply saying, “No.”

As in, “No, there’s nothing you can do about this.”

MarcusCamby had some thoughts, and Kobe Bryant was more than willing to jawwith anyone that wanted to “trash talk.” Denver could bring it on.

Witheight minutes remaining in the fourth quarter, Denver had turned a13-point deficit into a four-point game. But Kobe responded with athree-pointer over J.R. Smith and a driving, twisting lay-up in themiddle of three Nuggets defenders.

Afew minutes later, Bryant and Martin received double technicals forheated trash talking while Kobe shot free throws. On the Lakers nextpossession, Bryant drained a fadeaway jumper with Smith running at him.Backing down the court, he shook his head repeatedly at Smith, as if tosay, “Give up, you have no chance.”

AfterBryant completed an alley-oop from Gasol just moments later, theNuggets did just that. They imploded, with Carter again fouling Bryantand Allen Iverson receiving two quick technicals, resulting in hisejection from the game.

Bryant made all four of the free throws, and the Nuggets never regained their composure.


Watch Kobe Bryant toy with the Nuggets in Game 1
After the game, Denver Post columnist Mark Kizla had the following to say:
比赛结束后,丹佛的专栏作家Mark Kizla说了以下的话:

DidBryant and his Los Angeles Lakers get in the heads of Denver playersand coaches, who were yapping, crying dirty pool, complaining to therefs and trying to regain their equilibrium after a 128-114 loss?
Put it this way: Bryant did more than beat the Nuggets. He performed brain-salad surgery on them.


As Kizla points out,heated verbal exchanges and chippy, foul-riddled, physical games favorBryant, who thrives in such moments. Having missed 10 of his first 12shots, for example, Bryant went 7-for-14 from the field and scored 28points after Anthony Carter shoved him under the basket.

Unlike Bryant, Denver’s tendency in such an atmosphere is to self-destruct. Kizla elaborates:

MakeBryant mad, and you’re begging for him to make it rain anvils on yourskull, which maybe explains why the Nuggets looked so dizzy as the L.A.superstar scored all but four of his 32 points after halftime andtransformed what had been a tense afternoon into the laughter of asunny Southern California day.
GetAnthony frustrated and he will go sit alone on the floor of thebaseline, which is where you could find a moping Melo late in the thirdquarter, when the Lakers outscored Denver by the embarrassing count of39-22.

Kizla’s conclusion is that the Nuggets have a choice to make: “Allow Bryant to play them for patsies. Or shut him up.”

Unfortunatelyfor Denver, that is easier said than done, and Kobe continued to talkhis way into his opponents’ heads in their second meeting.

Inthe opening minutes of Game 2, Kobe let his game do the talking,scoring 20 points in the first quarter on a variety of pull up jumpers,twisting layups, and flying dunks. The on-court cockiness that had beenon display in Game 1 had yet to make an appearance.

Until halftime.

CraigSager, looking ridiculous as ever in a yellow suit and a flamboyantorange and red tie, asked Kobe what his mentality is when KenyonMartin, the Nuggets’ best defender, is out of the game, and J.R. Smithand another player are doubling Bryant.
Craig Sager(由于身着黄色的西装,带着鲜艳的橘红的领带看起来比较可笑)问科比,当掘金最好的防守者马丁被罚出场,JR史密斯和另一个球员双双困扰着自己时是什么样着心态。

Kobe’s response: “Same thing as when Kenyon’s in the game, doesn’t matter.”

Sagerclarified, “Doesn’t matter?” Bryant, with a look that said, “I couldcare less,” simply shook his head. The Kobe Bryant that had deliveredthe message in Game 1 that there was nothing Denver could do to stophis Lakers hadn’t gone anywhere.

Wecould talk about everything Kobe Bryant did with the basketball in Game2. We could talk about the 25 points he had at halftime on .667shooting, including 10 straight made shots.

Wecould highlight the way Bryant seamlessly and subtly transitioned fromscorer in the first half to distributor at the start of the second, andthen back again to scorer in the fourth quarter, exploiting whateverthe defense gave him and never forcing his shot.

Wecould marvel at his final tally of 49 points and 10 assists whileshooting 18-for-27, and the fact that he contributed directly to 71 ofthe Lakers’ 122 points.

We couldbring up his 19 points in a span of 4 minutes and 20 seconds near theend of the fourth quarter, during which time the game transformed froma five-point battle into a 19-point rout, or the way Bryant personallyresponded, both by scoring and by creating opportunities for histeammates, every time the Nuggets threatened the Lakers’ lead.

Wecould compose a veritable highlight reel just from Kobe’s Game 2performance, including high-flying fast break dunks, off-balancerunning jumpers, double-crossover drives, and of course, the acrobaticone-handed alley-oop off of Pau Gasol’s beautiful over-the-head lob.

Watch Kobe Bryant dominate the Nuggets
Butnone of the above is the story of the game — and in any case, all ofthat has already been rehashed at length by writers and analysts acrossthe internet.

Thestory of the game — nay, of the series — is, once again, Kobe Bryant’son-court attitude. He’s confident. He’s cocky. In fact, he’s down rightarrogant.

AfterBryant’s double-crossover drive for the layup against Eduardo Najera —Kobe “broke Najera’s ankles” not once, but twice, on that play — thatGame 1 attitude began to resurface, as Bryant looked at the Nuggets’bench and shook his head briefly, as if to say, “You’re going to need alot more than that to stop me.”

Nota minute later — on the heels of yet another Iverson foul — Bryantdrained a three-pointer with Najera in his face, after which he ranback down the court pumping his fist. Denver called timeout, and Bryantfaced the crowd and repeatedly popped his jersey, yelling intensely andpunching the air. He paused for a moment, then again yelled at the topof his lungs, and Lakers fans who thought they’d seen everythingwatched in amazement as they saw a side of Kobe they’d never seenbefore.

Afterthe timeout, Bryant posted up against Kleiza on the right blocks.Kleiza, clearly in an attempt to be more physical in defending Bryant,smothered, pushed, and pulled at him, but Kobe pump faked, leanedaround Kleiza, and jumped forward, hitting the jumper. Though Kleizahad blatantly shoved and held Bryant at least three different times,both before and after he received the ball, no foul was called. Bryantdidn’t complain, but simply ran back down the court, looking back atKleiza and shaking his head.

It was as if to say, “Foul me all you want, but you still can’t stop me.”

Acouple of minutes later, Bryant called for the ball, receiving it agood three or four feet beyond the three-point arc, and simply rose upand nailed the shot. Running back down the court, he turned and lookedtowards Marv Albert and Reggie Miller at the announcers table, holdingout his still-bent wrist for all to see. As he reached the other end ofthe court, he holstered an imaginary pistol.
几分钟后,科比要球,在三分线圈外三到四尺的地方很好地接到了球,他只是简单地起跳,接着命中。跑回另一边,科比看了看评论席上的Marv Albertand Reggie Miller,伸出了他那仍保持着投篮后的弯曲的手势,以让大家都能看到。当他到场边的另一头时,他做了一个手枪的手势。

AsCarmelo Anthony shot free throws on the other end, Bryant brought againformed his fingers into the shape of a pistol, then raised his smokinggun to his lips and blew it off. Apparently not knowing better, J.R.Reed took exception to Kobe’s showmanship, and started jawing with himin the back-court.
当安东尼在场上另一端进行罚球时,科比再次让手指形成一把手枪的形状,然后将这只仍在冒烟的手枪放到嘴边,并将其吹熄。显然J.R. Reed很不识趣,竟然不顾科比的表演,开始在后场和他说起了垃圾话。

Onthe next possession, Bryant went straight at Smith, easily blowing pasthim and to the hoop for the layup and the foul. On his way to the line,Bryant had only one word for Smith.



He must have said it thirty times, nodding emphatically as he did.

“Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep.”
“Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep。”

The gamehad been over long before, but Kobe was still at work. He scored his49th point from the free throw line, and then took a seat for the finaltwo minutes of the game.

Oneof the most popular criticisms cited by “Kobe haters” for theirpassionate aversion to Bryant is his “cockiness” and “arrogance.”Nevermind that Michael Jordan was every bit as arrogant as Bryant, andmore, often willing to lose the game in his determination to humiliateany player that had dared to outperform him in a previous meeting. Andnevermind that Shaquille O’Neil, Bryant’s former teammate whose sideKobe’s critics love to take against him, is likely the most arrogantplayer currently playing basketball, with the possible exception ofGilbert Arenas.

WhatBryant’s critics don’t seem to grasp is that there is a deliberate andcarefully thought out purpose to Bryant’s on-court attitude. Yes, he’sconfident, and yes, he probably thinks he is the best player on thecourt at all times, no matter who he’s playing against. But then, thatis part of what makes him great, and part of why he succeeds,especially under pressure.

But that’s not why he talks trash. He does it because it’s effective.

Mark Kizla pointed out that in Game 1, Kobe got in the Nuggets’heads, to the point of performing “brain-salad surgery on them.” Howexactly did he do that? By hitting only nine of his 26 shots? Bydelivering a single assist? By pulling down three rebounds?
Mark Kizla曾指出,在第一场比赛中,科比进入了掘金的脑子,给掘金人动了一次脑手术。那他到底是怎么做的呢?全场26投9中?全场一次助攻?全场3个篮板?

No, he did it by talkingtrash, and getting them to follow suit. He did it by taking the gameinto a realm where he thrives, but his opponents crumble. And he did itagain in Game 2. By the time he was blowing off and holstering his gunsand filling J.R. Smith’s ears with the word “Yep,” the game was alreadyover. He didn’t need to do those things to win the game. He did them toget further into his opponents heads, methodically destroying theNuggets’ psyche for the games to come.

Notice that off thecourt, Bryant rarely, if ever, displays the type of cockiness andarrogance he is accused of by his critics. He constantly praises histeammates, focuses on the team’s goals, and deflects praise.

When he scored 50 pointsor more in four straight games last year — something not even MichaelJordan ever accomplished — he was constantly badgered with questionsabout his personal accomplishments. Reporters clamored to know how hefelt about such a scoring binge, whether anyone could stop him, and ifhe thought he could go for four, five, six, or ever break WiltChamblerlain’s seven-game streak of 50 or more points. Bryant’sresponse was always that he was only doing what his team needed to win,and that he would continue to do just that, bringing the focus back tothe team and away from himself.

After he scored 81 pointsagainst the Toronto Raptors in 2006, Bryant was showered with praiseand adulation, and pestered with questions regarding his historicaccomplishment. He could have said something to the effect of, “I’vealways been able to do this. I can do this anytime I want. Why are yousurprised?” But he didn’t. Instead, he responded with respect andhumility, saying that he was honored and humbled just to be mentionedin the same discussion as former great scorers such as Wilt Chamberlain.

Off the court, Bryant isas humble as one could ask any NBA superstar to be, perhaps moreso. Buton the court, it’s a different story. And for anyone that’s ever playedin a rec league, or simply enjoys pickup games with a few friends, Iput it to you: Don’t you, also, talk some trash in those games? Infact, doesn’t that element exist in all competitive events? Don’t videogamers taunt each other when playing Halo 3? Of course they do. Thattype of interaction is natural to every form of competition, and itwould be ridiculous to expect any different from one of the mostcompetitive professional athletes alive, playing at the highest andmost competitive level of the game.

Of course Kobe Bryant trash talks on the basketball court, andperhaps it makes him appear arrogant at times. But for Bryant, this ismuch more than an inflated ego showing its true colors. It’sdeliberate. It’s purposeful.

It’s how he gets into hisopponents’ heads. It’s how he lures them into a style of game in whichthey cannot prevail. It’s how he brings them to a place where only hecan succeed, and where they are bound to fail.

Right now, Kobe Bryant isso far inside the Nuggets’ heads, they probably hear their own thoughtsin his voice. Can they recover from this? Maybe.

But it’s not likely

by KC

作者: shenngau    時間: 2008-4-30 09:24 PM

im SO SO SO agreed tat...

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