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標題: 我们想看和不想看到的季后赛对决 [打印本頁]

作者: potato8    時間: 2008-4-20 10:32 AM     標題: 我们想看和不想看到的季后赛对决

Thesoon-to-be-unleashed playoffs are promising to inspire more interest inthe NBA than any event since Ron Artest stopped throwing haymakers atThe Palace of Auburn Hills.

The following lists include matchups that may already have been declared and those we're simply longing for (or against):

What I want to see

SanAntonio Spurs vs. Phoenix Suns: Since Suspensiongate wrecked the 2007playoffs for desert patrons, citizens of Phoenix have been spoiling forrevenge.
Since Shaquille O'Neal became a Sun and helped his newteam to a pair of regular-season victories over the defending champs,citizens of Phoenix are just begging for the opportunity.
And now they'll get it. The teams will meet in the first round of the West playoffs.
Asidefrom the obvious low-block contretemps between Shaq and Tim Duncan,this matchup will provide Steve Nash vs. Bruce Bowen, Bowen vs. theWatchdogs of Dirty Play and Suns fans vs. Robert Horry.
Thismatchup also used to feature a collision of disparate styles, but theaddition of O'Neal has allowed Suns coach Mike D'Antoni to beat Spurscoach Gregg Popovich at his own game.
We'll see if Pop and theSpurs have been waiting in the weeds with smarty-pants adjustments orshould check in as simply too old for another run.
圣安东尼奥马刺 VS 菲尼克斯太阳队 :由于07年季后赛中的某些庇护政策,菲尼克斯的人及其渴望着一雪前耻。自从奥尼尔加盟太阳队,在常规赛对抗卫冕冠军时,他帮助新东家两胜对手,因此菲尼克斯人就在等待着这个机会。而现在他们得到了。这两支球队将在西部季后赛的第一轮相遇。除了沙克和邓肯的直接对位这一看点,同样的还有纳什VS鲍文,鲍文VS像看门狗一样的肮脏的防守,太阳球迷VS霍里。这种对位集齐了各式不同的形式,但是奥尼尔的加盟使得太阳教练丹东尼有了打败波波维奇的筹码。我们将会看到究竟是马刺已经为比赛做出了一些自作聪明的调整,还是仅仅靠着自己的老经验去进行再一轮的挑战。

Los Angeles Lakers vs. Phoenix Suns: This intersection offranchises — which first occurred this year as Shaq's opening game as aSun — inspired a playoff atmosphere during the regular season.
AnyO'Neal-Kobe Bryant high-noon incident is sure to provoke considerableinterest (not to mention pre-game acknowledgement suspense), and wouldbe abetted by Kobe vs. Raja Bell (a nice forearm to the chops orclothesline can be expected), Amare Stoudemire vs. Pau Gasol (defensehas no chance here) and D'Antoni vs. Phil Jackson.
洛杉矶湖人 VS 菲尼克斯太阳队 :这也是沙克代表太阳的处子秀时的对阵形式,这种焦点之战在常规赛之期就已经开始笼罩着一种季后赛的氛围。任何形式的科鲨对决都会挑起足够的兴趣,同时还有的是科比与拉贾贝尔的挑衅(劈脸抱腰的预先防守很值得期待),小斯VS加索尔(在这里没有防守),丹东尼VS菲尔杰克逊。

New Orleans Hornets vs.Utah Jazz: With Chris Paul going against Deron Williams, the leagueshould make this a best-of-nine. It also doesn't stink that David Westwould be matched against Carlos Boozer (unless Hornets coach ByronScott prefers having West chase Mehmet Okur out by the 3-point line).

Lakers vs. DallasMavericks: Dirk Nowtizki taking on Lamar Odom isn't bad, but fails tomeasure up to Jason "I Could Have Been A Laker ... Last Year" Kidd vs.Andrew Bynum's suit and tie.
Another classic interview session or two can be expected when Jackson declares war on Mavs' owner Mark Cuban.
湖人VS达拉斯小牛:德克与喇嘛的对位应该也不差,但是也不能忘了基德。“去年我曾经有机会加入湖人。。。”基德 VS 穿西装带领带的小拜。当杰克逊像小牛老板库班宣战时,另一个经典有趣的一幕或者两幕将会上演。

Lakers vs. Spurs: Ipromise to not include the Lakers in every must-see matchup. Anyway,this one ranks way up there because of Kobe vs. Bowen, Gasol vs. Duncanand Jack vs. Eva.
Spurs fans with long memories may experience a case of the heebie-jeebies when Derek Fisher strolls into the gym.

Boston Celtics vs. Detroit Pistons: This one seems as inevitable as Isiah Thomas vs. Severance Package.
Themost interesting matchup would be Kevin Garnett vs. Rasheed Wallace,although watching Ray Allen and Rip Hamilton chase each other aroundscreens might be fun.
波士顿凯尔特人VS底特律活塞:这一场避免不了Isiah Thomas VS Severance Package。而最大的亮点莫过于加内特VS拉希德华莱士,不过雷阿伦与汉密尔顿的飚分大战也值得期待。

Celtics vs. ClevelandCavaliers: This wouldn't be nearly as entertaining as the previouslisting, but we're pretty sure that Paul Pierce vs. LeBron James wouldco-star a couple of guys who are less than wild about each other.
凯尔特人 VS 克里夫兰骑士队:这场比赛也许不会像前面列举的那样有趣,但是相信皮尔斯和詹姆斯会带领着他们的队友打出血性。

Pistons vs. Cavaliers: Itworked last season and would give us an opportunity to see if thePistons are going to roll over and die again if James heats up.

Orlando Magic vs. Pistons: There will be worse things to watch than 'Sheed guarding Dwight Howard.
奥兰多魔术 VS 活塞:没有什么事情会比防守超人霍华德更糟了。

Cavaliers vs. Washington Wizards: Gilbert Arenas always hassomething interesting to say, but LeBron could have another pithycomment near the free-throw line.
骑士 VS 华盛顿奇才:阿里纳斯永远都有说不完的话,可是詹姆斯却只需要再去罚球线上对他耳语一句。

Celtics vs.Lakers:According to cable TV insiders, the Discovery Channel has acamera crew waiting to catch the ghost of Red Auerbach making faces atPhil.
凯尔特人 VS湖人:据电视内部人士透露,探索频道已经时刻准备着去捕捉奥尔巴赫冲着菲尔做鬼脸的镜头。

Celtics vs. Suns: For me, this might be a Finals choice 1A, and would remind the basketball world of Gar Heard.
凯尔特人 VS 太阳:对我来讲,这会是我的总决赛的一级选择,同时这也会唤起Gar Heard的篮球世界。

What I don't want to see
Lakersvs. Hornets: Sure, the top two seeds in the Western Conference mightgenerate a great series, but the Bryant-Paul MVP chatter would driveviewers (well, me) insane.
A regular-season popularity contest is no match for finding out who will be Finals MVP.
湖人 VS黄蜂:当然,西部的两支种子队伍的碰撞当然会有火花,但是科比与保罗的MVP较量会使观众(OK,就算是我吧)陷入精神错乱。常规赛的较量并不能去证明谁是总决赛MVP。

The Eighth Seed Beatingthe One Seed In the Eastern Conference: Seeing the Atlanta Hawksadvance would mean that aliens abducted Kevin Garnett before Game 1 andreplaced him with Michael Olowokandi.

The Seventh Seed Beatingthe Two Seed In the Eastern Conference: According to contractual fineprint, if the Celtics and Pistons don't meet in the conference finals,ABC and ESPN will be allowed to broadcast reruns of The Bronx IsBurning during that time slot.
东部的黑七:根据签订的合同,假如东部决赛不在凯尔特人和活塞队之间展开,那么ABC和ESPN将在那个时间段播放The Bronx Is Burning。

Nash vs. the Scorer'sTable: It was an ugly scene the first time and not redeemed by beingthe only way two players can make it off of D'Antoni's bench in thesecond half.
纳什 VS 得分手:第一次见的时候就是丑陋的场景,而现在下半场在丹东尼的板凳上只有两个人能得分。

Denver In Round 2: The Nuggets' commitment to avoid guarding anyone should not be rewarded by advancing.

Cavaliers vs. Spurs: We've already been witnesses to LeBron going 1 on 5.
骑士 VS 马刺:我们已经准备好去见证勒布朗的1赔5的赔率。

Pistons vs. Spurs: Some of usmight actually enjoy this championship series if we didn't have to hearthe rest of you bellyaching about it.
活塞VS 马刺:如果我们没有不需要去听你们其他人的抱怨的话,也许我们其中还是会去享受这场总决赛的。

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