Are you kidding?$ l: L p' I: o6 n9 Y
撒谎!! 1 p# I/ ?0 o4 RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。中國有這樣多有錢人?贪---官子女?121.17萬人? ; \! F. j# e5 j" Btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb垃圾?據《中國留學生創業年鑒》統計,截至2006年底,全國共建立留學人員創業園115家,園內在孵的留學人員企業5176家。5 E8 m9 c) g, E0 j) x/ U: W: C2 c
4 Q# g! n8 q; K/ v# @. b5 zTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。os.tvboxnow.com7 d5 U* g/ q" d4 y+ t
中國成最大留學生派出國公仔箱論壇! C3 s- w& `" M" W3 q( E2 [; r
& x! E6 H. m, Z: q. M$ O' b.[ 本帖最後由 julianneteng 於 2008-4-13 10:47 PM 編輯 ]作者: liyanan 時間: 2008-4-13 10:57 PM
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽作者: 9151980 時間: 2008-4-14 11:42 AM
回復 #1 king0030 的帖子 + h f4 j V+ o# E3 e/ P: ' r2 ]% K: I1 H4 U0 hdude, I was born in Vietnam. I went our to support China because I am sick of the those bias and racial western media, sick of fake side of dalai who attempt to protest and violence to sabotage China. - O- G: ]+ d/ c; j r3 l& {5 H5 ~ 5 y+ _& ~# M. {( u& V/ xos.tvboxnow.comI don't know whether you are chinese or not. If you are not chinese, please go to learn china's history. If you are chinese, I feel pity for you. In USA, I do see some people like you who doesn't have faith with your motherland, china. These people pretend they are americanized and deny they are chinese. They naively think that hiding their original identity and portray them as American would lift their social status in western society. Let me tell you, I have been in San Francisco more than 20 years, and I am very americanized. But no matter how hard you attempt to hide your original identity and kiss the western society ass, they still see you as chinese. As Obama mentioned, racial discrimination has always been an issue in United States. You are such a failure.作者: 9151980 時間: 2008-4-14 11:55 AM
Btw, to correct your ignorance, those foreign students were only a small portion of the crowd in SF torch relay. Majority (90%) of the pro china supporters were chinese immigrants who have been living in US for a long period of time, and those American Born Chinese.作者: osanpo 時間: 2008-4-14 04:07 PM
回復 rejin 的帖子 : l z: @6 O0 a9 y os.tvboxnow.com5 L$ K7 `" K2 i( G) a& Q: l
King0030 sound like Taiwan 民主党海外留学生, king0030is a 小留学愤愤 against any 公仔箱論壇0 P; _0 R a) K+ x" o4 c
Chinese is not same believe as he/her. King0030 父母is 民主党贪污和捞钱的子女, if you 公仔箱論壇* q& o k4 E) X; d* _0 B
check all king0030 論壇6 @6 ~9 o0 x7 m y0 ~
are against Chinese people who are not same believed as he/ she. If you’re not has same believed then you’re not Chinese according to king0030. King0030 will do anything to destroy you in her/him post. You can see a lot of King0030 is very 愤愤 against other then 民主党 or Taiwan. King 0030 may get pay for what he/she does. If not! When does he find so much time to post that many 論壇 against other then 民主党 or Taiwan? 公仔箱論壇* K B' M( f7 A
King0030 will do anything 到論壇煽风点火,煽动仇恨情绪,以显得自己很爱国 but may get pay for what he/she did. King 0030 did anything against all Chinese 海外留学生!!! King0030喜欢惹事 one way mind person!!! 作者: 漓江竹 時間: 2008-4-15 02:02 AM 標題: 回復 #1 king0030 的帖子
king0030 ,你贱到这样,不能再贱了。你真太不要脸了。作者: boringaya 時間: 2008-4-15 04:17 AM
13日,在澳大利亚两个最大的城市悉尼和墨尔本,同时进行了华人的爱国和平游行活动。据当地警方估计,墨尔本和 悉尼的游行人数最少都在五六千人。这次游行完全是华人自行发起、组织的。大家通过中文论坛、口口相传、张贴海报等多种形式进行宣传。13日实际到场数千人,大大超过了警方预计的500人,因此警方不得不临时加派警力。游行人群自悉尼唐人街附近出发,最后到达海德公园,全程路线都是在最繁华的悉尼市中心。澳大利亚媒体对这次游行进行了报道,其中澳大利亚10台的新闻称,从这次游行的规模来看,支持“藏独”的还是少数。实际情况也确实如此,大家事先本来都做好有“藏独”分子捣乱的准备,但实际在游行过程中,并没有看到多少真正的“藏独”分子。整个游行都是在和平、有序的情况下进行的。 公仔箱論壇$ G! E, L0 B) B! a7 p5 d
4 Y8 }/ N5 G5 s! k2 C4月24日,奥运火炬将抵达澳大利亚首都堪培拉,这也是圣火在大洋洲唯一停留的一站。堪培拉“藏独”分子的发言人声称,他们已经做好准备,一定会举行强有力但是非暴力的抗议活动。鉴于奥运火炬传递前几站的情况,澳大利亚圣火传递的负责人向媒体承认,他们感到十分担忧,正密切关注奥运圣火在每一站传递的情况,并将制定严密的计划。但是他们也说,澳大利亚有能力做好保卫工作,不希望中国的护卫队参与。由于堪培拉只是澳行政中心,人口稀少,华人相对也较少,堪培拉以外的在澳华人就自发行动起来,他们已计划以集体租用大巴、结伴自驾车等形式于24日从全澳各地赶赴堪培拉,迎接圣火的到来。据估计,届时将有数千华人到场。 1 ^' V( e2 N9 P$ i Z, y
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) L( d4 _! z! x
此外,加拿大、德国、美国、英国的华人也将在这几天相继举行多场爱国游行。渥太华华人社区于4月13日举办“宣传西藏真相,维护祖国统一”大集会。估计在加拿大国会山庄的集合人数会达到6000人左右。出发前,多伦多声援会收到的捐款已经有4万多加元。多伦多华文媒体一致认为这次集会因人数多、组织严密、声势浩大,将成为展示加拿大华人集体力量的一个标志性事件,其重大的政治意义已经引起加国上下的关注。据记者了解,从13日起,德国华人将在曼海姆、海德堡、卡尔斯鲁厄、斯图加特、汉堡和柏林等多地举行示威活动。 + x$ I6 f0 }% Q T2 {6 S ]: ?0 k- m& A : O4 f' x7 W1 \) V% E7 ^0 Itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: z7 f6 ]% k; @
没什么可以跟LZ这种脑残的人说的,事实胜于雄辩。睁大你的眼睛看看国外的华人是怎么做的吧!不要坐在电脑面前绞尽脑汁的写那些不成文字的垃圾~做白日梦也要有个限度,OK?作者: freerose 時間: 2008-4-16 12:41 AM
How come you still don’t give us your response who you are? How come you " d7 _* X1 T/ s7 i( k
against 海外留学生? How come you on CNN side against all Chinese? 作者: rejin 時間: 2008-4-16 10:29 AM 標題: 回復 #11 osanpo 的帖子
you are sorrying dude......................:024:作者: junli1421 時間: 2008-4-20 10:56 AM
:sleeps: 谢谢楼主分享作者: freedom2008 時間: 2008-4-21 03:06 AM
看了甘多帖``发现一个问题!osanpo同埋king0030呢两个人其实同CNN无乜分别!3 |: I4 U+ X }8 P3 m" d
呢D悟系叫愤青..当人地话你系DOG`还系食屎狗,难道你还要保持沉默,如果系甘``讲得好岩`! Q" ^: t3 j% j8 w, k
正一食屎狗!2 A/ V+ F) i$ {1 r7 F
, Q# K0 i0 L' L' X w* l$ v3 Itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb悟该你就悟好起度误导大家啦!你呢D甘噶人比CNN还要另人觉得恶心!呢D叫畸形分裂国家!作者: 6388846 時間: 2008-4-21 11:57 PM 標題: 楼主太自大了吧