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標題: [筆記本電腦] 平板電腦一問- Urgent- [打印本頁]

作者: tigermac88    時間: 2014-12-21 11:46 PM     標題: 平板電腦一問- Urgent-

平板電腦一問- Urgent-


請問 ifive Air 4 or ONDA V989 octa 那個好

my budget around HKD 1700
作者: mwang141    時間: 2015-1-13 03:36 PM

both same... spent more money on advertising, fancy stuff than products. I would rather buy a used ipad than cheap tablet by white brand. Most of them are designed by the same company, just put different brand name, case on top of it. Remember, most of these tablet only last at most one year if you are lucky...

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