執政陣綫第二大黨的馬華公會買下了兩家華文大報。編采部高層旋即爲國王的人馬取而代之,鞏固中央操控媒體……在這之前,中文報的報道相對平衡。(The Malaysia Chinese Association (MCA), the second most powerful party in the ruling coalition, bought two major Chinese-language newspapers. Leading editors were replaced with MCA-favored journalists. This further consolidated state control of the news media. ……Until the recent buyout, Chinese language publications offered fairly balanced coverage.)既有前輩的經驗參考,難怪蔡細曆醫生新任總會長100天,也一度聲色俱厲指導了媒體的作業:「我希望988(電臺)好自爲之,應該懂得他們的地位和角色,不應該把988變成一個工具達到他們的議程。」
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