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標題: [討論交流] [SNSD/少女时代]究竟有几个是没整容的?? [打印本頁]

作者: wengfai00    時間: 2014-5-12 10:31 PM     標題: [SNSD/少女时代]究竟有几个是没整容的??

~ Member Profile ~

Birth Name: Kim Tae Yeon

Stage Name: Taeyeon

Birthday: March 9, 1989

Birth Place: Jeonju, North Jeolla, South Korea

Position: Leader, Main Vocalist

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Blood Type: O

Specialty: Chinese, Singing

Hobbies: Watching movies, listening to music

Birth Name: Kwon Yu Ri

Stage Name: Yuri

Birthday: December 5, 1989

Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea

Position: Vocalist, Lead Dancer

Height: 169 cm

Weight: 46 kg

Blood Type: AB

Specialty: Chinese, swimming, dancing, acting

Hobbies: Studying, swimming, exercising

Birth Name: Im Yoon Ah

Stage Name: Yoona

Birthday: May 30, 1990

Position: Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Face of The Group

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Blood Type: B

Specialty: Dancing, acting

Hobbies: Watching movies

Birth Name: Seo Joo Hyun

Stage Name: Seohyun

Birthday: June 28, 1991

Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea

Position: Lead Vocalist, Maknae

Height: 169 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Blood Type: A

Specialty: Chinese, piano

Hobbies: Listening to music

Birth Name: Stephanie Hwang Mi Young

Stage Name: Tiffany

Birthday: August 1, 1989

Birth Place: Los Angeles, California, USA

Position: Lead Vocalist

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 51 kg

Blood Type: O

Specialty: English, flute

Hobbies: Watching movies, listening to music

Birth Name: Kim Hyo Yeon

Stage Name: Hyoyeon

Birthday: September 22, 1989

Birth Place: Incheon, South Korea

Position: Vocalist, Main Dancer

Height: 162 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Blood Type: AB

Specialty: Chinese, dance

Hobbies: Watching movies, listening to music

Birth Name: Choi Soo Young

Stage Name: Sooyoung

Birthday: February 10, 1990

Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea

Position: Vocalist, Lead Dancer

Height: 171 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Blood Type: O

Specialty: Japanese

Hobbies: Watching movies, listening to music, dancing

Birth Name: Lee Soon Kyu

Stage Name: Sunny

Birthday: May 15, 1989

Position: Lead Vocalist

Height: 160 cm

Weight: 44 kg

Blood Type: B

Specialty: Sports

Hobbies: Listening to music, shopping

Birth Name: Jessica Jung Soo Yeon

Stage Name: Jessica

Birthday: April 18, 1989

Birth Place: San Francisco, California, USA

Position: Main Vocalist

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 46 kg

Blood Type: B

Specialty: English, piano, singing

Hobbies: Watching movies, shopping, listening to music

作者: ajbj    時間: 2014-7-13 03:25 PM

作者: CNYL    時間: 2014-7-21 10:27 PM

作者: ArSu2023    時間: 2014-7-28 02:02 PM

作者: 松111    時間: 2014-8-10 11:39 AM

韩国的 没有整过的 哪上得了电视呢
作者: william040    時間: 2015-2-10 10:08 PM

看看韓國的選美  每個長的都差不多就很明瞭了!!
作者: yeahbilly88    時間: 2015-2-11 11:27 AM

邊有那麼多靚女啊 ??
作者: littlesamsam    時間: 2015-2-22 05:25 PM

作者: koreangirl    時間: 2015-3-7 10:40 AM

they all had plastic surgery
作者: mackee    時間: 2015-4-18 02:20 PM

作者: molaytau    時間: 2015-4-25 08:25 PM

微整形啫我諗就算有都, 睇過佢地初初出道的樣, 吾係變好多, 化妝勁就真的...
有某幾個吾似有整... 不過出道前有無整就吾知, 無可否認的係, 韓國咁多組合, 好少靚得過佢地... (純屬自己個人意見)

作者: qazwsx24    時間: 2015-5-20 08:40 AM


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