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標題: [Windows] 向大家求教我有個 My Book 3TB 外置硬碟死咗点先可以攞番D資料 [打印本頁]

作者: human421    時間: 2013-9-13 02:44 PM     標題: 向大家求教我有個 My Book 3TB 外置硬碟死咗点先可以攞番D資料

向大家求教我有個 My Book 3TB 外置硬碟死咗,駁入電腦只出現 Usb to serial ATA bridge,開唔到,点先可以攞番D資料。原先My Book 3TB 外置硬碟須要插電,開唔到後,我拆開外壳直駁電腦亦開唔到,新買兩個月,又身處加拿大,求各位幫幫手,感激不盡。
作者: Cheval_Blanc    時間: 2013-9-13 03:12 PM

外置HDD在拆開外殼就會失去保養, 你只能拿去當地的數據修復公司尋求協助, 注意收費不菲
作者: siulayhumga    時間: 2013-9-15 12:58 AM

First of all, never buy USB external hard drive. It is cheaper because they use 2nd rate drive or returned bad drive to make them.  Sound like the drive motor is gone, don't think there are much you can do about it. You can try the following but most likely it will not work: Put the drive in a water proof zip lock bag and squeeze out as much air as possible. Put the drive in freezer for an few hours, then hook it up to the computer (make sure the drive is DRY).
The lower temperature may allow the drive to spin up again for a VERY short period of time. Copy out all the data you need as quick as possible.

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