It is below my expectation...作者: ykt002 時間: 2013-8-30 06:42 AM
得閒時睇下,過日神者作者: diaosheep 時間: 2013-8-30 09:17 AM
真是蛋疼,智商倒退,,对于师奶离讲无所谓拉~~~作者: 牙擦蘇 時間: 2013-8-31 08:11 AM
烂片中的战斗机。作者: HarleyGold 時間: 2013-8-31 01:08 PM
我覺得ok既作者: gm3stevens 時間: 2013-8-31 04:59 PM
If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys! ' P) ]* |9 \/ C0 r( d: S3 `8 V+ c! ~$ L& P @
Now, we get the retarded monkeys as 編劇, what can you expect?!作者: vgundum 時間: 2013-8-31 05:05 PM
tvb dramma is that, no improvement作者: withoutr 時間: 2013-8-31 10:39 PM
you are right, it is unbelieveable this drama can be alive1#octkidhk作者: vicky5200 時間: 2013-8-31 11:09 PM
no no no作者: okx321 時間: 2013-9-1 12:13 AM
编剧无能~作者: Stressfree 時間: 2013-9-1 05:10 AM
好过无得看作者: cresvale2001 時間: 2013-9-1 11:42 AM
really boring, same old story repeat again and again....作者: charat 時間: 2013-9-1 12:24 PM
有d失望作者: benny11679 時間: 2013-9-1 08:10 PM
TVB drams are always the SHIT since late 1990s!!!作者: meow~ 時間: 2013-9-2 02:37 AM
有好多劇情都唔合理搵戲黎做作者: bigheadmanken 時間: 2013-9-2 07:32 AM
this is not as good as expected from Bobby. Nevertheless, it is just a show and we should not be that critical. For entertainment sake it is overall not bad, I think. Maybe the reason is I always enjoy Bobby's acting!!!作者: simonkok 時間: 2013-9-2 11:21 AM
奇怪o既係關一返出黎就接齣咁o既片.作者: clitang 時間: 2013-9-3 10:22 AM
I think the series is not bad. I will continue to watch and support作者: hcat123 時間: 2013-9-3 11:14 AM
你讲得很对了作者: evaloo 時間: 2013-9-4 12:22 AM
其實冇乜所謂, 但求有免費娛樂就算了吧!作者: ashima 時間: 2013-9-4 09:36 AM
超級悶蛋嘅一出戲。作者: gm3stevens 時間: 2013-9-4 03:29 PM
If you like time travel drama, don't waste your time on this one. # D" m& i3 p% n' ?3 s2 I$ " [8 K: W b- s0 Q1 [0 M% J& [公仔箱論壇Spend your time in rewatching The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow (九五至尊) (2003) , or 尋秦記 (2001) is a much better choice.公仔箱論壇/ ^) D2 `4 Q: X* ?' h5 P; B; L& m
公仔箱論壇$ F7 A5 t* x+ J6 f
Personally I would recomend the Korean drama Nine: Nine Times Time Travel (Release Date: March 11 - May 14, 2013 )作者: teddy22098 時間: 2013-9-4 08:01 PM