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標題: 我這樣算失敗的人嗎??? [打印本頁]

作者: chris681025    時間: 2012-12-31 08:02 AM     標題: 我這樣算失敗的人嗎???

   六年級後段班的人了,因工作待遇不佳而再次入伍。但也因適應能力太差(宅過度了,個性孤僻不會交談)而提前停役退伍了(國防部的政策就是不能讓想走的人尋正常管道離職... )!!!目前約有10年的房貸未清...身邊尚有個7位數存款(含套牢n年的股票及兩筆基金...)。打算想全職參加明年度的鐵特而準備中(想自修,因為入伍前的二技進修部也是自已唸及靠自己半工半讀完成學業的...)。最近身邊的好友一個接一個的"進入了人生的下一個階段",想去參加他們的喜宴卻又不敢...。我好想找他們談談心事~我這樣的人在這個社會上算是個失敗的人嗎???有相同際遇的朋友嗎??

作者: jack1n9    時間: 2012-12-31 01:25 PM

You don't need to compare, just live your life to what you think is right, and go ahead and do what you want.  As this is your own life, don't need to care what other's think of you as you are what you are.  Keep on moving ahead as there are lots more people like you on this planet.  So let's continue on our life living to the fullest and never regret what is in the past.
作者: dann2    時間: 2013-1-1 02:29 AM

jack1n9  is rihght    never regret what is in the past!!!!
作者: dann2    時間: 2013-1-1 02:29 AM

jack1n9  is right    never regret what is in the past!!!!
作者: GEGSON    時間: 2013-1-1 06:41 AM

Keep on moving ahead_____
作者: aykamy    時間: 2013-1-1 11:30 AM

Keep on moving ahead_____
作者: aa747191    時間: 2013-1-4 01:42 AM

Never give up !! Lower isn't lower....
作者: kalalee335    時間: 2013-1-17 11:36 PM

作者: kalalee335    時間: 2013-1-17 11:39 PM

作者: dom2007    時間: 2013-10-20 09:20 PM

朋友, 还年青......
作者: elasticwoman    時間: 2013-10-27 03:40 PM

作者: 7house    時間: 2013-10-29 01:35 AM



唉! 共勉之...
作者: sleepd    時間: 2013-10-30 12:03 AM

作者: fireinhell    時間: 2013-11-9 12:08 AM

If you compare money to money, rich people is success and you are failure. However, we do not always look thing as this way. Do you think rich people is happy? Sometimes, they are failure as well when come to spiritual or family value life....So it is pretty relative. Trust me live your life. When you feel you are failure, most of the time some one closed to you say so. Do not so worry about what they said...cheers!
作者: 112200    時間: 2013-11-9 06:11 AM

super loser
作者: lovenet    時間: 2013-11-9 07:44 AM

足夠你娶妻生子  養家餬口
作者: lovenet    時間: 2013-12-13 01:11 AM

作者: Allenlun1894    時間: 2014-1-22 07:40 PM

作者: citydancer2000    時間: 2014-2-28 09:41 AM

Thanks a lot !!!
作者: maggieliu1213    時間: 2014-3-1 03:08 PM

Keep on moving ahead   !!!!!

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