Mind trick: The photo looks as if it has been altered to show a time-lapse, but is in fact a row of climbers in perfect harmony on a mountain in the Italian Alps
怎麼有一根根針插滿整座山?國外媒體報導,28名登山客在義大利及瑞士交界處的「Cleopatra’s Needle」(Ago del Torrone)山峰,利用繩索,一個個幾乎「垂直」般地站在山壁上,遠看就像是「針山」,又像是大型仙人掌般,看起來很不可思議。
Perfection: The project took months of planning and over five hours of climbing and positioning to get the climbers just right
International project: The crew of 28 included climbers from all over Europe who travelled to Italy to take on the daunting Ago del Torrone, known as Cleopatra's Needle
Up we go: The incentive for the photograph was to create an image of true extreme sports