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標題: [PS3] Armored Core V [打印本頁]

作者: julianlee75    時間: 2012-11-9 01:29 AM     標題: Armored Core V

本帖最後由 julianlee75 於 2012-11-9 07:52 PM 編輯


【檔案名稱】:Armored Core V

The ARMORED CORE series is renowned in the mech action genre for its intense one-on-one battles and customization options. ARMORED CORE V is a new entry that revolutionizes the series with more content than the previous games, a completely new atmosphere, and a robust offline mode. In addition, the online mode has been newly designed to focus on huge team-based battles on a global scale.

Cheat Code

1 - Format the external drive in   FAT32
2 - Once you format it, create a folder called GAMEZ
3 - Look for the game folder you downloaded and copy it into the GAMEZ folder on your external HD
4 - Connect the EXTERNAL HD on your PS3 and start at either Multiman Backup Manager
For games that require firmware greater than 3.55, you'll have to swap eboots. Bin by modifying the games to run on your ps3
Even if for you using PS3 unlocked in DEX

圖片附件: v1.jpg (2012-11-9 01:29 AM, 119.22 KB) / 下載次數 201

圖片附件: v2.jpg (2012-11-9 01:29 AM, 71.45 KB) / 下載次數 174

圖片附件: v3.jpg (2012-11-9 01:29 AM, 53.9 KB) / 下載次數 175

附件: Armored.Cored.ps3.torrent (2012-11-9 01:29 AM, 8.67 KB) / 下載次數 231
作者: cyf02    時間: 2012-11-9 05:37 AM

thank you for sharing
作者: kathervenger    時間: 2012-11-16 11:37 PM

作者: cgs7946769    時間: 2012-11-27 02:28 PM

作者: freexxxhhh    時間: 2013-6-16 02:07 PM

作者: seewhatzzz    時間: 2013-7-16 10:35 AM

wow nice
thank you

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