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標題: [旅遊資訊] 加拿大移民政策翻天覆地 [打印本頁]

作者: tchang    時間: 2012-10-30 12:39 AM     標題: 加拿大移民政策翻天覆地

作者: shul33    時間: 2012-11-1 02:50 AM

作者: huit    時間: 2012-11-3 12:03 AM

Good on Canada - it already has far too many Chinese who do not assimilate or feel the need to integrate - you could get by for a whole lifetime without having to speak a word of English (or French). That ain't right.
作者: momochacha2007    時間: 2012-11-6 05:57 PM

3# huit

I agree with you. Australia is facing this problem too. Now too many Indian in Australia :P
作者: mlzhangyan    時間: 2012-11-17 01:38 PM

作者: pga    時間: 2012-11-18 06:59 AM

I am not against the policy.
作者: choutei    時間: 2012-12-12 07:10 PM

作者: flyeee    時間: 2012-12-13 01:29 AM

Canada is a socialism country, they restrict on immigrants.  But they always welcome refegees (with no money).  This is something I don't understand, how this can make a country strong?!
作者: 1050112    時間: 2012-12-14 02:38 AM

相当不错的知识 不过我还是愿意移民置法国

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