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作者: colourbeast    時間: 2012-8-19 04:52 PM     標題: 過去的紀錄片:Chistian the lion (獅子)

這是一個快樂的故事, 人與獅子.

Christian 是一隻獅子最初購買由澳大利亞人John Rendall 和Anthony"Ace"Bourke來自倫敦哈羅斯百貨公司,英格蘭,1969 年.並最終重新非洲野生動物的保育George Adamson. 一年後到野外, George Adamson 釋放Christian 他前業主決定去尋找他, 看是否 Chirstian 會記住他們. Christian不僅記住該John 和 Anthony, 和兩個母獅接受作為自己的一獅子家庭成員.

作者: ttebayo    時間: 2012-8-20 01:11 PM

作者: vandas    時間: 2012-8-20 01:55 PM

一九六九年,約翰‧倫德爾John Rendall 和安東尼‧伯克Anthony Bourke兩名澳洲年輕人在英國倫 敦一間家具店工作。 某天他們在哈洛德百貨看到一頭被關在籠子裡的幼獅, 兩人覺得牠可憐,用兩百五十個英國舊金幣買下,取名為「 克里斯汀」Christian。

他們把克里斯汀當寵物,經常帶牠去公園玩足球、有時帶牠上餐廳。 出遠門時,克里斯汀就待在轎車後座。兩人一獅的組合, 成了當地特殊「景緻」。




一年後,克里斯汀成了體重 185磅 的大傢伙,約翰和安東尼意識到,他們沒辦法繼續把獅子當貓咪養。 兩人正為此苦惱時,一對演員夫妻光顧他們工作的家具店,這對夫妻 才剛完成電影《獅子與我》的拍攝工作,該片根據動物學家喬伊‧亞 當森的著作改編,講述母獅艾爾莎回歸自然的真實故事。 這對夫妻建議約翰和安東尼與在肯亞的喬治‧亞當森(喬伊的丈夫) 聯絡。

兩人帶著十八個月大的克里斯汀, 風塵僕僕抵達肯亞野生動物保護區。他們留在那邊配合喬治, 幫助克里斯汀恢復野性。 他們確認克里斯汀已有在野外求生的能力與安全的生存空間後, 便返回英國。此後,他們一直與喬治保持聯繫, 後來又數次重返肯亞,從遠方眺望克里斯汀的身影。

一九七四年,喬治一度有三個月追蹤不到克里斯汀, 約翰和安東尼得知後,決定重返肯亞, 希望能見到克里斯汀最後一面。

克里斯汀彷彿感應到老友將來訪,在他們抵達肯亞前晚現身保護區, 牠就蹲在喬治帳篷外的岩石上。喬治警告約翰和安東尼, 別太靠近克里斯汀,牠已回復本性,稍有不慎,可能命喪獅口。

第二天,約翰和安東尼在保護區叢林外等待克里斯汀出現。 克里斯汀遠遠看見人影,先是慢慢走近,接著好像是認出了他們, 於是飛奔向兩位前主人,一把抱住他們。牠把前爪搭在約翰肩上, 像以前那樣舔他的臉頰,約翰也張開雙臂擁抱克里斯汀,牠又轉身摩 蹭安東尼,就像是三位多年不見的老友互相擁抱、問好一樣。

克里斯汀此時已有了伴侶,甚至把母獅介紹給牠們, 母獅顯得有些小心翼翼,但也接受約翰和安東尼的撫摸。 喬治提醒兩人到了離開的時候,他們向露營帳篷走去,克里斯汀卻一 直跟隨在後,一直待到晚上大家都回到帳篷裡。翌日, 克里斯汀與母獅返回叢林,從那之後, 人們就沒再看過克里斯汀的身影。

現住澳洲的約翰說, 他不知道是誰把這段三十年前的錄影放到網路上,不過他不介意。「 這是個充滿了愛的故事,人們對牠有興趣,我們很開心。」 約翰希望藉此能讓更多人關注野生動物保護課題。

作者: colourbeast    時間: 2012-8-20 06:54 PM



Christian was originally acquired by Harrods from the now-defunct zoo park in Ilfracombe. Rendall would later recall that the department store was eager to sell the cub, which had escaped from his cage one night and destroyed the merchandise in the carpet department. Rendall and Bourke purchased Christian for 250 guineas (£262.50).

Rendall and Bourke, along with their friends Jennifer Mary Taylor and Unity Jones, cared for the lion where they lived in London until he was a year old. As he got larger, the men moved Christian to their furniture store—coincidentally named Sophistocat—where living quarters in the basement were set aside for him. Rendall and Bourke obtained permission from a local vicar to exercise Christian at a church graveyard, and the men also took the lion on day trips to the seaside.

Christian’s growing size and the increasing cost of his care led Rendall and Bourke to understand they could not keep him in London.[1] When Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna, stars of the film Born Free, visited Rendall and Bourke’s furniture store and met Christian, they suggested that Bourke and Rendall ask the assistance of George Adamson. Adamson, a Kenyan conservationist, who together with his wife Joy raised and released Elsa the Lioness, agreed to reintegrate Christian into the wild at their compound in the Kora National Reserve. Virginia McKenna wrote about the experience in her memoir The Life in My Years, published March 2009.

Adamson introduced Christian to an older male lion, “Boy”, who had been used in the movie Born Free and who also featured prominently in the documentary film The Lions Are Free, and subsequently to a female cub Katania in order to form the nucleus of a new pride. The pride suffered many setbacks: Katania was possibly devoured by crocodiles at a watering hole; another female was killed by wild lions; and Boy was severely injured, afterwards losing his ability to socialize with other lions and humans, and was shot by Adamson after fatally wounding an assistant. These events left Christian as the sole surviving member of the original pride.

Over the course of a year, as George Adamson continued his work, the pride established itself in the region around Kora, with Christian as the head of the pride started by Boy.


When Rendall and Bourke were informed by Adamson of Christian's successful reintroduction to the wild (reported in some newspaper articles to be in 1971, and by George Adamson to be 1972) they traveled to Kenya to visit Christian and were filmed in the documentary Christian, The Lion at World's End (released in the U.S. as Christian the Lion). According to the documentary, Adamson advised Rendall and Bourke that Christian might not remember them. The film shows the lion at first cautiously approach and then quickly leap playfully onto the two men, standing on his hind legs and wrapping his front legs around their shoulders, nuzzling their faces. The documentary also shows the female lions, Mona and Lisa, and a foster cub named Supercub welcoming the two men.

Rendall details a final, largely unfilmed reunion that occurred (reported in some newspaper articles to have been in 1974, and by George Adamson to have been in 1973). By this time Christian was successfully defending his own pride, had cubs of his own and was about twice the size he was in the earlier reunion video. Adamson advised Rendall that it would most likely be a wasted trip as he had not seen Christian's pride for nine months. However, when he reached Kora, Christian and his pride had returned to Adamson's compound the day before their arrival.

Rendall describes the visit he and George Adamson made:

We called him and he stood up and started to walk towards us very slowly. Then, as if he had become convinced it was us, he ran towards us, threw himself on to us, knocked us over, knocked George over and hugged us, like he used to, with his paws on our shoulders.

The second reunion lasted until the next morning. According to Rendall that was the last anyone saw Christian.

George Adamson counted the days without seeing Christian from the late spring 1973 final reunion. He notes in his book My Pride And Joy that after 97 days, he stopped counting.
作者: 神影者    時間: 2012-8-20 06:54 PM


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