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標題: [奇人奇事] 英國橡皮人 下巴皮膚當口罩 [打印本頁]

作者: vandas    時間: 2012-7-27 07:28 AM     標題: 英國橡皮人 下巴皮膚當口罩

'I can use my belly as a table': Meet the man with the world's stretchiest  skin
By Amy Oliver

Meet Gary 'Stretch' Turner.

His skin is so loose and stretchy he can turn  his belly into a table - capable of holding three pints of beer.

Whether anyone wants to be served a beverage  from a skin shelf is unclear, but just in case they don't, Mr Turner has plenty  more tricks up his sagging sleeve.

The 41-year-old suffers from an extreme case  of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that has weakened his  skin.

It doesn't hurt, honest: Garry 'Stretch' Turner claims  to have the world's stretchiest skin

Multi purpose: Turner also claims he can use his belly  as a table and is able to rest three pints of beer on the skin shelf

In most cases the disorder weakens  people's  joints and blood vessels and affects around one in 10,000  people. Mr Turner's  strain is very rare.
He told ABC News: If you 'look at your own  skin cells under a microscope,  they'd be nice and round and lock in many  places. But my skin cells  tend to be more jagged, and don't fit together quite  so well.

'The best way to describe it is I'm built  rather like a badly woven  basket, if you can imagine that, which will pull  apart.'

Pain in the neck: Turner suffers from an extreme case of  Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that has severely weakened his  skin

Gives a whole new meaning to bingo wings: Turner shows  off his muscles (and skin flaps)

He added his skin was 'actually twice as thin  as  regular skin. Although you wouldn't believe it to look  at it. it is  actually quite paper thin.'

Mr Turner said he first noticed his stretchy  skin when he was around three or four years old.

He told AOL: 'I  had an uncle who was about 10 years old. He  used to pull my skin and show his  friends. I knew by their reactions I  had something strange.'

Less Batman, more blinking terrifying: Turner does his  best impression of Gotham's caped crusader with several heavy duty bulldog  clips

He uses heavy duty bulldog clips to pull his  sagging skin down and does a truly terrifying impression of Batman.

Mr Turner is a former star of Circus  of  Horrors, the group which auditioned for Britain's Got Talent last year. He is  now a performer for the Royal Family of Strange People, a unique collective of  fascinating individuals currently performing in London.

作者: vandas    時間: 2012-7-27 07:32 AM

英國一名41歲男子蓋瑞˙透納(Gary Turner)因罕見疾病,皮膚具有極大彈性,可隨意拉長並迅速彈回,腹部的皮膚拉平後,還可承受1.7公斤的重量,約為三個酒杯的重量,足以當茶几使用。


蓋瑞會如此與眾不同,即因罹患罕見疾病「先天性結締組織異常症候群」(Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome,EDS),俗稱鬆皮症,或橡皮人症候群。患者就像蓋瑞一樣,皮膚有高度延展性,皮膚的微血管較脆弱,關節鬆弛。蓋瑞表示自己的皮膚厚度,只有常人的一半。

蓋瑞對媒體表示,在4、5歲時,自己的叔叔便常拉自己的皮膚,他才知道自己與眾不同。他現在常在倫敦街頭展示自己的皮膚,同時加入皇家怪咖家庭(Royal Family of Strange People),成為專業街頭藝人。


作者: verbose    時間: 2012-7-27 04:01 PM

作者: arasee    時間: 2012-7-28 10:07 PM

日後老了皮膚失去彈性不知會怎樣= =
作者: 虎虎2    時間: 2012-7-30 05:58 AM


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