我们要质问狗陣,在執政54年大选许下的承诺,你们已兑现多少个承诺?人民不要再受骗。作者: penanglang2012 時間: 2012-4-8 09:40 AM
政客的話,聽了就好。。我不認同民聯內裡就不存在投機份子。。。看了這個新聞,只是知道。。。那只雞也是腹背受敵。。。哈哈哈~作者: ZLRS 時間: 2012-4-8 10:08 AM
好事。。。作者: 4funz 時間: 2012-4-8 03:48 PM
母牛下台好啊~拖出去砍了更好作者: tty_2005 時間: 2012-4-8 04:23 PM
Haha, Malaysia is so lucky to have a Man Minister for Woman and social affairs, look like he has to learn from his wife how to tackle problems of woman, morale and the increasing divorce of couples. Also the unfortunate single woman to upgrade their standard of livings. So called woman population of about 50% in Malaysia has not be able to elect a talented and capable lady on their behave in the government.作者: civicboy1969 時間: 2012-4-9 03:16 AM