美国人金·古德曼能使她的眼球突出眼眶外11毫米。1998年6月13日,在美国加州洛杉矶《黄金时段:吉尼斯世界纪录》电视节目拍摄现场对她的眼睛进行了测量。金是在她戴着冰球帽的头部受到猛然撞击之后,首次发现她独一无二并有些令人吃惊的才能的。作者: ckd08 時間: 2012-2-9 03:02 AM
Have you seen the movie -- Total Recall ? In the last scene, when Arnold Schwarzenegger fell from the protected aired building to outside in Mars. The pressure is sucking his eyes out and the scene looks exactly like this ! It is a gift or a curse ? When she is angry, will you spook her eyes out ?