.2012年即將來臨,來看看新的一年有什麼最新科技,包括南韓發明了最新的「彈性記憶體」,這種像可以把電腦記憶體儲存在像塑膠片一樣可彎曲的載體上,也就是說,未來的平板電腦或是手機,可能不但可以彎曲,還能像塑膠片一樣薄。os.tvboxnow.com6 h' K+ X( r" e W. R
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I had read a news in May,2011 that Queen's college in Kingston Ontario Canada that they have already developed paper computer or paper phone. The idea is to use a flexible film to house the electronics and makes it bendable. User can write on it or bend angles to commend it. It is specifically designed for portable computer / phone markets.