很快,围绕着“龙吼“而展开的故事架构逐步成型,其中不少在前作中已经被确立。龙裔,作为人类的一个分支,被神赋予了与龙族同等的力量。他们被传授“龙吼”的精髓,他们也叫它“声”(the Voice)。龙裔族人跨越千山万水来到“天际”只为攀登一座名叫“世界之咽”的巨大山脉。到达顶峰后,他们来到赫罗斯加王圣殿。有一帮被称为“老者”的人在这里创建了一个古老的宗派。这些人都是用“声”高手,由他们来训练龙裔“声”的技能。
Disc 1
01. Dragonborn
02. Awake
03. From Past to Present
04. Unbroken Road
05. Ancient Stones
06. The City Gates
07. Silent Footsteps
08. Dragonsreach
09. Tooth and Claw
10. Under an Ancient Sun
11. Death or Sovngarde
12. Masser
13. Distant Horizons
14. Dawn
15. The Jerall Mountains
16. Steel on Steel
17. Secunda
18. Imperial Throne
Disc 2
01. Frostfall
02. Night without Stars
03. Into Darkness
04. Kyne's Peace
05. Unbound
06. Far Horizons
07. A Winter's Tale
08. The Bannered Mare
09. The Streets of Whiterun
10. One They Fear
11. The White River
12. Silence Unbroken
13. Standing Stones
14. Beneath the Ice
15. Tundra
16. Joruney's End
Disc 3
01. Before the Storm
02. A Chance Meeting
03. Out of the Cold
04. Around the Fire
05. Shadows and Echoes
06. Caught off Guard
07. Aurora
08. Blood and Steel
09. Towers and Shadows
10. Seven Thousand Steps
11. Solitude
12. Watch the Skies
13. The Gathering Storm
14. Sky Above, Voice Within
15. Death in the Darkness
16. Shattered Shields
17. Sovngarde
18. Wind Guide You