根據英國《每日郵報》的報導,脫衣舞孃中有高達20%皆是學生。英國學生公會主任埃斯特爾哈特(Estelle Hart)對此表示,由於全球經濟不景氣,再加上英國大學學費調漲、16歲至19歲的教育維持津貼(Education Maintenance Allowance,EMA)取消,造成學生原有的金錢支柱消失,為了賺取學費必須另尋他途,選擇非正規方式賺錢,例如色情業,要求英國政府正視這項問題。作者: ckd08 時間: 2011-12-17 03:44 AM
Well, I think this is just another excuse for pornography. I have no doubt that the University tuition fee is very high but it does it justify to be a star in pornography ? Then again, it is a free market. Market leads the product ?!