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標題: 林峰的最终目的 [打印本頁]

作者: lov3angu    時間: 2011-9-27 01:06 PM     標題: 林峰的最终目的

+ C) h7 S0 \# g8 {+ U7 }
$ F# @, b7 E* V( a. Mos.tvboxnow.com大家觉得勒?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 F: Y# X9 c) A6 Q! H) }0 k

作者: andyang81    時間: 2011-9-28 08:23 AM

no idea at all...this movie boring!!!
作者: 小亨19    時間: 2011-9-28 08:51 AM

吴清楚啵 哎 剧集一般 没咩看法
作者: clementlaulau    時間: 2011-9-28 01:52 PM

really duno
作者: ^SP^I^ES^    時間: 2011-9-28 04:54 PM

this story doesnt make sense at all, tVB.....
作者: kuenyuen    時間: 2011-9-28 05:54 PM

作者: gohmui    時間: 2011-9-29 12:27 AM

No eyes see!
作者: Stressfree    時間: 2011-9-29 03:13 AM

I really don't know, very confusing.
作者: seiya    時間: 2011-9-29 07:43 AM

簡單來說, 人人的心中都有魔~只在於你能否把它自控~ 不行的話,如同 dr. o 的下場吧~~
作者: lzyboy    時間: 2011-9-29 07:47 AM

作者: ethaniel84    時間: 2011-9-29 05:40 PM

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作者: dullmay    時間: 2011-9-29 07:39 PM

作者: huangjiacong022    時間: 2011-9-29 07:50 PM

作者: stanley78    時間: 2011-10-1 01:43 AM

this drama is not so good
作者: tianxinxin    時間: 2011-10-1 03:26 AM

作者: devilorc    時間: 2011-10-1 03:32 AM

TVB movie getting bad
作者: pui886pui    時間: 2011-10-1 03:42 PM

really duno
作者: kenson    時間: 2011-10-1 06:18 PM

this drama OK?
作者: 屁屁zzz    時間: 2011-10-1 07:22 PM

hard to say, but this drama doesn't make sense at all, so anything can happen
作者: mcafe    時間: 2011-10-1 07:34 PM

作者: lov3angu    時間: 2011-10-1 11:30 PM

作者: lisababy    時間: 2011-10-2 01:29 PM

good thx
作者: iloveher    時間: 2011-10-3 06:53 AM

作者: 天道總司    時間: 2011-10-3 08:44 AM

作者: renlikun    時間: 2011-10-3 12:19 PM

作者: carlli98    時間: 2011-10-3 12:20 PM

作者: winson6931    時間: 2011-10-3 01:06 PM

作者: mxfy011iu    時間: 2011-10-3 03:25 PM

作者: lov3angu    時間: 2011-10-4 01:25 AM

作者: okla811111    時間: 2011-10-4 01:27 AM

作者: wtho62    時間: 2011-10-4 07:41 PM

作者: inoran_wing    時間: 2011-10-4 11:35 PM

會是happy ending吧
作者: whitedogdog1668    時間: 2011-10-4 11:38 PM

His aim is...........Chok Chok Chok
作者: kongkyo    時間: 2011-10-4 11:42 PM

作者: pancake178    時間: 2011-10-4 11:52 PM

i have no idea at all, watch this drama because of Raymond, but to be honestly, it is not really interesting for me
作者: lov3angu    時間: 2011-10-5 12:04 AM

i think a lot of ppl disapointed on this drama ~
作者: benk1638    時間: 2011-10-5 02:56 AM

作者: stanley78    時間: 2011-10-5 03:32 AM

no good, didn't explain whether typhoon is human being or devil. He can be devil or back to human being whenever he wants.
作者: lujing    時間: 2011-10-5 06:25 AM

其實我系越睇越覺得迷惑咯...果劇情先系講颱風系惡魔,跟住就話距其實系人類,變成惡魔,但系距又有法力....我宜家好無語..到底距系乜嘢來噶=.=TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 d* |$ C0 j8 ?5 a$ W
作者: princess889    時間: 2011-10-5 08:28 AM

it must be happy ending
作者: hellohello88    時間: 2011-10-5 08:34 AM

作者: dxi    時間: 2011-10-5 01:55 PM

我唔知道,,,因為我都冇睇..所以根本唔合 ..
作者: 25538932    時間: 2011-10-5 04:05 PM

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作者: jguiuo1115    時間: 2011-10-5 06:09 PM

作者: shiroikoala    時間: 2011-10-5 10:01 PM

本帖最後由 shiroikoala 於 2011-10-5 10:05 PM 編輯
9 e5 x& z. q3 g6 b' }- c9 D. n* R: A4 i7 p/ ~/ A& A% }
Most ridiculous story I've seen so far!!!  I have no idea what the hell is in Typhoon's mind...  What kind of rubbish revenge is he wanting for?  It clearly wasn't Dr. O who has torn his family apart.  Typhoon's father sufferedd from cancer, if Dr. O didn't run the drug trial, he wouldn't have that extra months, he would have died even earlier... ...   Cutting the number of participants in the drug trial wasn't Dr. O's idea too!  So what the heck is in Typhoon's mind???  The only one he should blame is his own mother!!!  Typhoon's mother is the only coward who choose to kill her children & commit suicide when her husband passed away.  She is the one who torn the whole family apart and she is the only one to blame!!!  SO, WHAT IS THIS REVENGE IS ALL ABOUT???  
作者: lov3angu    時間: 2011-10-5 10:49 PM

对拉~~奇怪咯~~~莫名其妙的故事~~而且我觉得到最后~~Dr. O应该是会变坏~~~然后自己亲手毁掉一切~~邰风的妹妹也不会阻止他~发梦那样~~~==只是要看他哥哥报仇~沉醉在痛苦里面~haiz~~无言~~...
作者: tchioud    時間: 2011-10-6 12:18 AM

作者: whitedogdog1668    時間: 2011-10-6 01:22 AM

作者: asapii    時間: 2011-10-6 02:01 AM

作者: dullmay    時間: 2011-10-8 11:22 AM

作者: human79913    時間: 2011-10-8 04:48 PM

作者: nero2011    時間: 2011-10-8 04:56 PM

作者: alextun    時間: 2011-10-10 01:45 AM

剧集麻麻 没咩看法。
作者: leung710    時間: 2011-10-10 09:13 AM


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