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標題: [討論] 19-08-2007 曼城 1:0 曼聯 賽後討論. [打印本頁]

作者: HIDE    時間: 2007-8-19 10:37 PM     標題: 19-08-2007 曼城 1:0 曼聯 賽後討論.


[ 本帖最後由 HIDE 於 2007-8-19 10:40 PM 編輯 ]
作者: crashersus    時間: 2007-8-19 10:43 PM

作者: tang6620    時間: 2007-8-19 10:47 PM

作者: HIDE    時間: 2007-8-19 10:53 PM

泰維斯 好似唔岩曼聯
作者: rivaldoliu    時間: 2007-8-19 10:59 PM

毫无疑问,曼彻斯特打比后,曼联将会以5-7分落后给车仔。对于今年回归到433的车仔嚟讲,要再出现上年的大面积伤病+黑仔,几乎係没可能。曼联要卫冕,难度非常大!今日呢长波,理查士表现非常出色,起码瓦解咗曼联4个机会。而曼联自己都浪费咗唔少机会,最黄金的就係tevez的近门头槌。今日曼城几乎没有威胁的攻势,个入波要多谢维迪个petpet,如果唔係射中个petpet,角度唔会咁雕转。曼联落后后的攻势威胁性唔够,中锋问题我唔想再多讲了。今日费sir个换人有D问题,留低咗史高斯and giggs,换走咗卡力克and nani,我觉得有D问题,两个老将或许可以响关键时候帮到曼联,但係连续的征战令到佢地体力出现咗问题,最后几个控球失误几乎令到曼联再失一球。
    曼联今年的问题我都讲过好多次了,我都唔想再重复。今日想讲下今年的曼联同上年的曼联的差别。今年的曼联中场实力又增无减,但係锋线上的实力係明升暗降。tevez的加盟,朗尼+ tevez的组合被好多人睇好。但係我自己响之前一篇文章就提到过,2个朗尼一齐未必有好结果。两个人同係同一类型,需要一段距离给佢地带波突击的突击型前锋,加上C朗、nani、giggs都係要用波的球员,前场分配难度加大。控球人员越大,打法会越华丽,但係同时攻击的流畅度and速度将会下降,上赛季曼联很多比赛都係用速度去摧垮对手。但係今赛季用波的人增多,配合反而不如上赛季流畅了,你只要给多防守球员1-2秒的布阵时间,好多空位、机会就会消失了。呢个问题将会响tevez+ 朗尼同时存在最表露无为。不过我地可能睇唔到呢个情况,毕竟费sir都係大师,应该会发现呢个问题。
    上赛季曼联锋线基本组合係saha+朗尼,后面就係giggs、C朗、史高斯、卡力克组成的中场。呢个组合同今年第一场对雷丁相比只係差咗saha一个,giggs+朗尼的前锋组合,后面就係艾华、卡力克、史高斯、C朗。但係差一个人效果相差好远。首先上年我地係有中锋saha,朗尼係后插上自由人,saha响前面吸引,朗尼响后面伺机杀入。今年费sir安排咗朗尼做saha D野,然后giggs做上年朗尼做的野,结果显然係不如上年,首先,朗尼唔适合打中锋,要佢用站桩打法,根本就没位置咁,只要朗尼一回后拿波,前面就变到没中锋,根本给唔到对方后防压力,就无从谈得上第二步giggs的后插上。同时中场艾华显然唔适合打边锋,我响果场比赛的赛后分析讲过了,呢度我就唔讲了。如果果场係nani唔係艾华呢?我林结果将会係一样,nani宜家好有当年C朗刚刚嚟曼联的影子,球仲係较粘脚,佢仲未稳到突破and传球的最佳结合。至于C朗,由于前面缺一个中锋,好多时佢被迫要个人突破射门。由此可见,曼联虽然加咗人,但係由于用波的人增加and缺少中锋,攻击的流畅度and速度反而不及上赛季了。
    今日费sir学摩连奴咁用433,但係费sir呢个只係貌合神离。摩连奴的433强调两个翼锋的突破、内插,要求中场球员要压上冲击,再加上一个力量与技术结合的杜姆巴,威力非常强大。无论车仔係逆境还是顺境,只要杜姆巴响度,其他人点换都好,车仔的攻击力依然强劲。林伯特and terry可能係车仔的大佬,但係车仔的进攻核心绝对係杜姆巴。今日的曼联好似车仔,夏格维斯=埃辛,史高斯=林伯特,卡力克=mikel,马卢达=giggs,胡礼菲列斯=nani,tevez=杜姆巴。睇上去好似係一个对应一个,但係实际上,双方进攻的主心骨差距非常大。杜姆巴的冲击力、身位、身体优势、头球都係tevez呢个突破型前锋所不具备的。最关键位置的差距直接导致咗两队波踢上去效果的差距。宜家要曼联稳一个杜姆巴级数的球员返嚟唔係好现实,而且tevez and 朗尼边个打后备都係一种浪费。但係费sir应该到咗下决心的时候。如果saha可以保持健康,smith依然响度,或者曼联唔洗考虑中锋,但係响呢个情况,曼联绝对需要一个中锋。
作者: crashersus    時間: 2007-8-20 12:14 AM

what we can see from this match is...MU not suitable to play 433...just like wat rivaildoliu is saying..they don have that kind of quality of player to play 433. for the 3front man...Teves, Giggs, and nani...pls lar...only Teves has the ability to really get the ball and strike clearly and also run deep into the penalty box...Giggs and nani...they can only play as run deep into penalty box like wat Chelsea play-maluoda is doing...they are still far from it....Giggs and Nani, they are typical a winger....left of right winger. So, would advise Sir more trying for play 433. For today match...the THING that MU is lack was the 默契...all player cant click with each other, ya! although they have some tricking back passing. but is just a华丽de打法...not really solid. they have to play more game with each other to get the 默契. and it always the same story...when there is new player is joining the team..they took time to click with each is always the team game..even how good is the player's personal skill....they need each of the team member to win the game.
after this game. wat we can blame is just the injury of Rooney and foolish of Ronaldo to get the red card. i think is Either 1 of Rooney or Ronaldo is here for today match..MU will surely win it. hey, MC only have 2 shot on target for the 90min match. Most of the time, MU was dominating the match. but...all the forward line..they are lack of 默契 and cinfidence to each other. how could they win??
for the last season...all MU component are confused with who will be lining up to shoot...cos they have rooney, ronaldo, giggs, scholes running all da way round. every 1 is having to confidence tat they can shoot...but u can see from tis match....every1 is trying to pass the ball to Teves alone. so, MC defender-Richards and DUNN is marking tight on him..wat else u think Teves can do??
Anyhow...when i was wroting this...Liverpool is 1-0 up agiants Chelsea..i hope the Liverpool is winning this..then the gap of MU beteween Chealsea will be 5point...then MU will still have chance to chase it...and for the 7point from Mancheter City....i don think is a problem. Manchester City is still not good to win the league or even break into the Top 4.......
作者: 我系一督屎    時間: 2007-8-20 01:08 AM

成班友去酒吧睇波,完場成酒吧d人都爆粗。今晚又大把人輸錢啦。:onion03: :onion03:
作者: ljw1982    時間: 2007-8-20 06:12 AM

I think in this Match MU is not suitable for that Formation... hope ferguson can buy new striker... come on ferguson.. if not next match also dont know how....
作者: janleung    時間: 2007-8-21 05:31 PM

作者: rivaldoliu    時間: 2007-8-21 11:24 PM

原帖由 janleung 於 2007-8-21 05:31 PM 發表。
作者: thesumx    時間: 2007-8-22 12:03 AM

未勝仗... too bad
作者: etalon    時間: 2007-8-22 08:05 AM

作者: ryoma    時間: 2007-8-23 07:04 AM


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