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標題: 仙人掌 - 草球 [打印本頁]

作者: 咖啡愛奶茶    時間: 2010-8-28 02:56 AM     標題: 仙人掌 - 草球

名稱 :  草球
別稱 :  花盛球、仙人球
學名 :  Hedgeheg cactus
分佈 :  原產阿根廷及巴西南部的乾旱草原
分類 :  仙人掌科,仙人球屬
型態 :  植株單生或成叢。幼株球形,老株長成圓筒狀,高可達75釐米,直徑12~15釐米。球體暗綠色,具棱11~12。刺錐狀,黑色,長1~1.5釐米。花著生於球體側方,大型嗽喇叭狀,白色。
用途 :  觀賞用
花期 :  夏季開花。傍晚後開放,翌日清晨即凋謝
管理 :  換盆最好是在早春進行,剪去一部分老根,晾數日後再栽植。盆栽基質以排水透氣良好,含石灰質的砂壤土。
水份 :  夏季適當遮蔭,適當澆水,晴天時要放蔭處並節制澆水,冬季時也應保持盆土不過分乾燥。
繁殖 :  繁殖容易,可在生長季節從母球上剝取仔球分植。
作者: patsh723    時間: 2010-8-31 07:33 AM

Grass ball to [Section cactus cactus is] the Short-haired ball of aliases. 原产南美热带,尤以巴西、乌拉圭分布广泛,世界各国多有栽培。 Origin of tropical South America, particularly Brazil, Uruguay, widely distributed over the world are cultivated.
形态特征:幼株单生,老株易丛生,球形至圆筒形,体色青绿色彩。 Characteristics: sprout single, easy to old plants clustered, spherical to cylindrical, body-color green color. 球径12~15厘米,高20~25厘米,具11~13个脊高的直棱。 Ball diameter 12 to 15 cm, high 20 to 25 cm, with 11 to 13 high straight edge ridge. 淡褐色锥状短刺10~14枚。 Hazel cone 10 to 14 short gill. 花期6~7月。 Florescence 6 July. 夏末秋初侧生白色漏斗状花,夜开昼闭,花径8~10厘米。 Autumn of lateral white funnel-shaped flowers, opening day and closing night, flower diameter 8 to 10 cm. 夏季是盛花期,小小的花蕾逐日变大抽长,直到最后犹如一支特大号的毛笔。 Summer flowering, a little larger elongated bud daily until the end of the brush like a king. 开花时间不长,从晚上6~7点开放,到第二天中午就谢。 Flowering time is not long, from 6 to 7:00 pm open to the next day at noon Xie. 花形较大,洁白素雅,并散发很好闻的幽香,这点在其它仙人球中并不多见。 Flower large, Jie Bai Suya, and dissemination of good news in the delicate fragrance, this is rarely seen in the other cactus. 傲然挺立的身姿,有种鹤立鸡群的味道,这些就是它在欧美地区有“夜皇后”之称的来由吧。 Proudly stand upright posture, a kind of stand out in flavor, these are areas in Europe and America it is the "Night Queen," said the reason behind it.
生长习性:喜温暖向阳环境,抗旱但不耐寒,夏季要求遮荫,冬季要求阳光充足,适温为18~30℃。 Growth Habit: hi warm sunny environment, drought but not cold, summer shade requirements, requirements winter sunshine, optimum temperature is 18 ~ 30 ℃. 宜在疏松、肥沃砂壤土生长。 Should in loose, fertile sandy loam growth.
仙人掌为[仙人掌科仙人掌属] 茎节棍棒状或扁平,很多种类有粗大的主干。 Cactus for the [Division Opuntia cactus] internodes clavate or flat, and many species are thick trunk. 叶圆锥状或纺锤状,多数早落。 Cone-shaped or spindle-shaped leaves, most early fall. 刺座除着生刺、毛、花和茎节外,还有其他大多数属种没有的钩毛(芒刺)。 In addition to the spiky thorns Block, hair, flowers and stem node, there are most other species do not have hook wool (prick). 花单生,较大且色彩鲜艳。 Flowers solitary, large and colorful. 果梨状或球状。 Pear-shaped or globular. 种子很大,且有很硬的假种皮。 Seed lot, and there is very hard aril. 本属是仙人掌科中的一个大属,至少有300种分布在美洲各地。 The genus is a large cactus branches are at least 300 species distributed throughout the Americas.
作者: topman26    時間: 2010-9-3 09:14 AM

哈哈   我來看看的  不錯啊 不錯~~

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