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Good Morning Good Evening Good Night Cafe..
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不是因為寂寞才想你    只是因為想你才寂寞
Very funny, copy from 超自然科學及詭異怪談區

時間: 農曆七月十四、十一點三十分
地點: 羅湖出境大樓
本人係羅湖某department 職員、個日係農曆七月十四、係十一點半既時候、已經冇咩人過關.
所以個大出境大樓已經冇咩人喇. 0個個時候因為我要寫log book 既關係、所以係一個黑暗既角落度寫、順便偷下懶、等收工.
突然、有隻手係我背後度搭落黎、用低沈既話氣叫: "亞sir". 咁我向後一望、係一個大摡80 歲既亞伯. 然後個亞伯拎住自己張身份証、問我:"亞sir、點樣可以取消張身份証、申請死亡証呀?".
我當時望下張身份証、以為自己眼花、所以再望多幾下、點知真係個亞伯個樣. 我心諗唔係咁邪呀、六合彩又唔見我中.
我即刻嚇度標冷汗、腳又震,勁想走、但係又唔走得、因為著住制服. 我靜左十幾炒、之後我就扮冷靜、同佢傾計.
我問: "幾時唔係度架?"
亞伯眼濕濕咁答: "早兩日囉、無端端咁就唔係度喇."
我再問: "係邊度過身架?"
佢答我: "係深圳."
咁我就問: "咁我以家有咩幫到你呀?"
佢就話: "咩都唔洗、淨係幫我老婆申請張死亡証.
我就話: "你老婆、乜唔係你咩?"
佢話: " 大吉利是、我老婆、唔係我呀."
我話 :"咁你又拎你張身份凡証俾我睇?"
佢話: "下、係我個張咩." 跟住佢就望一望、拎左第二張出黎. 佢話: "亞sir、唔好意思、我老得滯、眼花、睇錯左."
我就足足鬧左佢成十分鐘、話: "唔好玩喇亞伯、嚇死人喇、七月十四攪d咁既野......" 個亞伯就好唔好意思咁、係咁話對唔住.....
good night everyone and sweet... where is the pic?
Infinity is the Limit for me
Very funny, copy from 超自然科學及詭異怪談區

時間: 農曆七月十四、十一點三十分
地點: 羅湖出境大樓
本人係羅湖某department 職員、個日係農曆七月十四、係十一點半既時候、已經冇咩人過關.
所以個大出境大樓已 ...
chowold2 發表於 2011-1-24 01:03 PM
haha, it reminds me of a 花邉新闻 in Taipei.  During the ghost month 2 cops found a dead person in the woods.
While processing, there sound like ghost laughing or calling....one scream and ran the hell away, the other took out his phone and 喂喂。。
good night everyone and sweet... where is the pic?
bchew 發表於 2011-1-24 01:19 PM
hello, bchew....pic....
Good Evening Good Morning Good Night Cafe.
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Windows Magics:

Try these and see for yourself:

Magic #1
It was discovered that nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the computer which can be named as “CON”.
This is something pretty cool…and unbelievable. ..
At Microsoft the whole Team, couldn’t answer why this happened!

MAGIC #2 (this one is the best out of the three)
For those of you using Windows, do the following:
1.) Open an empty notepad file
2.) Type “Bush hid the facts” (without the quotes)
3.) Save it as whatever you want.
4.) Close it, and re-open it.
Is it just a really weird bug? Confused?

This is something pretty cool and neat…and unbelievable. .. At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn’t answer why this happened! It was discovered by a Brazilian. Try it out yourself…
Open Microsoft Word and type
=rand (200, 99)
And then press ENTER.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
This is something pretty cool and neat…and unbelievable. .. At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn’t answer why this happened! It was discovered by a Brazilian. Try it out yourself…
Open Microsoft Word and type
=rand (200, 99)
And then press ENTER.   
no way.....my computer is already half dead....i wont take the risk.....
I'll just take your words.
Hey, you chicken.  Don't worry, it won't blow up your pc.   Trust me, its fun, won't hurt a tiny bit.
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
好恐怖啊~ apa apa?